Author Topic: QC / Montréal - l'Université de Montréal - 2023 / Miro & Eve  (Read 3545 times)

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Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Peregrine falcon lays two eggs in nest atop University of Montreal tower: watch livestream
Cindy Sherwin / CTV Montreal / 20 Apr 2023

A peregrine falcon keeps a watchful eye on her two eggs, both laid the
week of April 16, 2023 in a University of Montreal nest perched atop a building on campus.
(Courtesy: Youtube/@Faucons U de M)

It's not an official birth announcement quite yet but birders at Universite de Montreal are delighted to announce that their resident peregrine falcon has laid not one but now two brown, speckled eggs in a nest box perched on the 23rd floor of a tower on campus.  The mama falcon, Eve, named after her University of Montreal protector Eve Belisle, produced her first future offspring on April 16 and then a second egg was spotted two days later.

"It's super exciting," Belisle said in an interview. The Ecole Polytechnique researcher, a bird lover from a young age she said, was the first one to spot the falcons soaring high above the school grounds in 2007.  "I started to take photos of the birds flying around the big tower, it looked like birds of prey," she said. Getting tired of craning her neck to admire them, she pushed for a nest to be built on the tower and then a webcam "for my own sanity!" Also, so everyone else could enjoy them as much as she does.

Eve (the falcon), is expected to produce two more eggs. Then, Belisle explained they count 33 days from the day the third egg appears to the day they expect the eggs to hatch.  "So three babies will hatch close together and then usually there's a little one that actually hatches a few days later. He's a little smaller, but usually, he survives," Belisle said. 

A camera is trained on the nest box and livestreams the falcons' every move when they're hanging out at home.

Two peregrine falcons, Spirit and Roger, who first arrived in 2007 pop by on occasion. According to a website that contains links to the rooftop webcams the pair "successfully raised two young for the first time in 2009." The two adults who make the wooden lean-to their home now are Eve and a male known as 'M.'

At 9:56 a.m. on Wednesday, Eve could be seen stirring and looking side to side before clearly deciding she needed to take a break from egg-sitting for a little self-care.  The falcon stood up for a stretch and made her way to the edge of the nest box to take in the sights, leaving livestream viewers with a tantalizing view of one egg, as she preened her feathers for exactly three minutes before taking up her role as a live incubator once more.

But if bird lovers keep watching they will likely be rewarded eventually with a view of all four of the two-toned coffee-coloured eggs and the fuzzy chicks when they arrive.


Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Peregrine falcon living atop U de M tower lays 2 eggs
City News Montreal / 19 April 2023

Peregrine falcon Eve perched near her nest box atop the U de M tower.
Two eggs can be seen in the box behind her. (Courtesy: Youtube/@Faucons U de M)

The peregrine falcon that lives in a nest box on the roof of the Université de Montréal is soon to be the proud mother of two baby chicks. The mother falcon named Eve laid two eggs this week – the first on Sunday and the second on Tuesday. It takes about 30 days for a falcon egg to hatch.  Those special moments for bird lovers were caught on the rooftop camera livestream, which captures the falcons’ movements.

Two peregrine falcon adults currently live in the nest box: Eve and Miro.  The nest box, which is on the southeast side of the tower facing the Notre-Dame-des-Neiges cemetery, was previously habited by a pair of falcons named Spirit and Roger. The university has set up a website dedicated to the falcons and the livestream.

WATCH: Eve laying her second egg on April 18 (Faucons UdeM)


Offline The Peregrine Chick

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    • Peregrine Falcon Recovery Project (Manitoba)

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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    • Peregrine Falcon Recovery Project (Manitoba)
l'Université de Montréal
Montreal, Quebec

The nestbox was installed in 2008 on the 23rd floor of the Pavillon Roger-Guadry at l'Université de Montréal.  The box is on the south-east side of the tower facing the Notre-Dame-des-Neiges cemetery.  the first pair arrived in 2007 and had their first success nest at this location in 2009. 

photos (left to right): 1 - l'Université de Montréal Campus, 2- Pavillon Roger-Gaudry where the nestbox is located, 3 - Miro the resident male on the edge of the nestbox

Faucons pèlerins de l'Université de Montréal Camèras Web:
includes link to blog & photo archives - in French & Google will translate to English with one-click

Resident Pairs & Offspring:
  • 2023 - Miro & Eve
  • 2022 - Miro & Eve --> Sirius (m), Véga (f) & Mira (f)
  • 2021 - Sphinx & Eve nesting at St-Joseph's Oratory --> Jean (Masson) (m), Jacinthe (u)
  • 2020 - Sphinx & Eve --> Donna (f), Vanadis (f) & unnamed chick (u)
  • 2019 - Éole & Eve --> Porthos (m), Athos (m), D'Artagnan (m) & Sola (f)
  • 2018 - Éole & Eve --> Ezio (m), Altaïr (m), Aura (f) & Isis (f)
  • 2017 - Éole & Spirit --> nest failed
  • 2016 - Éole & Spirit --> nest failed
  • 2015 - Arthurin & Spirit --> Luna (f), Éclipse (f), Céleste (f), Marie (f - foster chick)
  • 2014 - Roger & Spirit --> Alizé (m), Nordet (m) & Mistral (m)
  • 2013 - Roger & Spirit --> David (m), Sid (m) & Zéphir (m)
  • 2012 - Roger & Spirit - nested unsuccessfully at St-Joseph's Oratory because of work on the Pavillon Roger-Gaudry tower
  • 2011 - Roger & Spirit --> Tawodi (m), Rick (m), Éole (m) & Altius (m)
  • 2010 - Roger & Spirit --> Horus (m), Eve (f - died), unnamed (u - died)
  • 2009 - Roger & Spirit --> Algo (m) & Polly (f)

photos (left to right): 4 -L'Oratoire Saint-Joseph (St-Joseph's Oratory), 5 - note on stairs to the entrance of the cathedral - translation = "reserved for pilgrims who go up [the stairs] on their knees" - note pelerin is French for pilgrim, peregrine is from the Latin for wanderer or pilgrim as pilgrims wandered

« Last Edit: April 07, 2009, 23:42 by The Peregrine Chick »