Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

ON / Hamilton - Sheraton Hotel - 2008-21

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Brock has had more adventures.

Official Report for Tuesday, July 23, 2013 - BROCK SCARES US TWICE! - Falconwatch Coordinator Rachael Belford reports: On arriving at 09:00 I was informed by our faithful volunteers that none of the birds had yet been spotted, so I settled in for what looked like a quiet day while the girls were off exploring. Although both chicks were spotted on the Sheraton roof around 09:20, and Laura and an adult performed an aerial food transfer around 10:40, I still was not expecting much. This changed suddenly at 11:10 with a call from the people at RBC saying that a falcon had crashed into a window on the 15th floor of Stelco and was on the ledge! I rushed down in a panic to find a flustered looking Brock. At first her eyes were closed and she was holding her left wing in an awkward position. Two members of the Rescue Team arrived quickly and together we watched, knowing that a physical rescue from her then current position was impossible. After a further bit of rest Brock stood up and began to stretch, first the right wing and then the left. After the stretch both wings were in their proper positions and only a few feathers were out of place – she was OK! The picture shows Brock on the ledge. A huge thank you goes out to everyone at Yale and RBC who alerted us to this incident and were incredibly helpful throughout!

At 13:40, Brock left the 15th floor of Stelco and returned to the Sheraton roof. Laura joined her sister for the majority of the afternoon, and both chicks were seen circling and chasing each other over the city. After a nap Brock joined Laura on the window washing beam and let us get this picture. At 19:05, Laura landed on Standard Life with food, probably from an aerial transfer. After this she and Brock were generally quiet but at 21:00, just as we were packing up for the day, they took to the air together with a lot of noise. The pair seemed to be fighting as they disappeared east down King Street. A few minutes later a man came rushing up to tell us that a bird was on the ground. We hurried over and, sure enough, there was Brock - on the floor of a parking garage where they were power washing floors and walls!! We got the water stopped and after a couple of tries got Brock under control and into a rescue box. Although Brock was quite feisty, because this was the second incident of the day it was decided to take her for another medical assessment. We will let you know how she is doing as soon as we hear, likely by mid-afternoon.


Thursday, July 18, 2013 - Falconwatch Coordinator Cheryl Dobell reports: Today the first meal was delivered at 05:20 to the Standard Life Building, where both Brock and Laura had apparently spent the night. As usual, Laura had her morning work-out by flying here, there and everywhere. Another food drop around 09:00 to the top of Sheraton brought Laura eagerly flying over to accept. Just before this Brock flew from Standard Life towards Stelco and out of sight, her landing location unknown. We spent the next hour or so trying to locate her, without finding any sign!


Sure is!!  ;D

The Peregrine Chick:
She's a nice looking bird that is for sure!



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