Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

ON / Hamilton - Sheraton Hotel - 2008-21

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Lily and Ossie still the resident pair here.  Lily laid her first egg this morning.  Last year the nest failed due to the weather as they're out on an open ledge. Hoping for a better year for them this year.

Poor lily still incubating on and off, hopefully she gives up soon.  The MNR said at our banding that 35% of nests in Southern Ontario have failed this year due to the cold, very wet Spring.  Open nest ledges have pretty much all failed in the city this year as they have nothing to protect them.

Not looking good for a hatch here this year.  They are past due now.  Cold, wet and damp Spring may have done them in.

Lily and Ossie now have at least three eggs. It is difficult to tell how many, since Lily lays her eggs in the invisible corner of the ledge.


March 26, 2019

Lily and Ossie are still the resident peregrines at the Hamilton nest, and yesterday Lily laid her first egg.



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