Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

ON / Hamilton - Sheraton Hotel - 2008-21

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The chicks are hatching. It is very difficult to catch a glimpse of a chick, but there is at least one.



Felker, born in 2012 at the Hamilton nest, a son of Madame X and Surge, continues to nest in Buffalo. Felker was the youngest, smallest, and the last to fledge of the three chicks that year. He had yellow tape on his silver band; he removed the tape immediately after he fledged.

During the time since his mate, BB, was forcibly removed from the Richardson Building, Felker has found a new mate. Her name is Rita, and they are currently incubating four eggs. I hope everything goes well for them, and that they will be left in peace to raise chicks . . .

From the Hamilton site today:

Saturday, April 25, 2015 – The Sheraton Hamilton Peregrine nest mystery - three eggs or four? – continues to keep Falconwatchers wondering as the incubation period drags on, as it always does. Based on the date the first egg appeared, a chick should hatch around May 15-20, though it’s hard to say for sure, especially since this may be the first time Lily has laid eggs. Lily and Ossie are paying close attention to keeping the eggs warm - 'shift changes' on the eggs are very quick, taking 10 to 30 seconds at most. Reminding us of the late Surge, Ossie is definitely doing his full share of incubation.

It should be pointed out that because the ledge parapet is in the way, hatching may not be directly visible on camera. We will easily be able to infer this, however, when Lily starts fussing or the adults bring food to the scrape. If chicks don't occasionally poke their heads out, it will be only a matter of weeks before they start wandering up and down inside the ledge.

The city is watching too – Lily, Ossie and Madame X got front page coverage in yesterday’s Hamilton Spectator. We’ve had no further word about Madame X, but hope to hear.

Link to the article:


We now have confirmation of a third egg.  This season will be very interesting since most of the eggs are usually hidden and the chicks will be hidden as well.

We appear to have at least two eggs in the scrape now.


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