Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

ON / Hamilton - Sheraton Hotel - 2008-21

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Ballywing, your comments for your pictures are such fun!

TWO AWAY!!! June 19, 2010 - At exactly 07:00 today, Saturday, Joseph took off on his first flight. He was quickly joined by Peter, and the two of them settled down for a chat on the upper structure of the Standard Life building. Details to follow. Here we go!!!!

"I'M Gonna go find Peter & Joseph!!..."  :o



June 18, 2010 - Falconwatch Coordinator Brad Asseltine reports: Peter was once again the center of attention on today's watch. Although he is only two days out of the nest, when watching him fly you might think him to be an old pro. Around 11:30 this morning he left the 15th floor of the Stelco tower and flew north, circled west and gained enough altitude to make it onto the roof of the Stelco tower. After that he could be seen throughout the day flying high over the city or perched on the roofs of the Stelco tower, the Fairclough building and the BDC Building . On a few occasions he was even joined by Madame X and Surge in flight. On two occasions this evening we saw all three of them flying together; after the second time he was rewarded with his own private meal on the Fairclough building. Then around 21:00 Peter landed right in front of me on the window ledge of the 22nd floor where I was lucky enough to get the close-up pictures at left. What a charge!!!
Henderson and Joseph are both behaving in ways that suggest either could leave the nest at any minute. Oh, and we can't forget little Chedoke, who is not looking so little any more; he is even browner and was up on the ledge exercising a lot today.

When chicks fly is a complex matter of age, development, weight and confidence. The fact no-one has followed Peter yet suggests that his first flight may have been more wind assisted than intentional, but there's no doubt that when he did go he was the most flight-capable of the four.


--- Quote from: bev. on June 19, 2010, 19:41 ---Joseph fledged at 7am this morning...
--- End quote ---

Great news, bev! :D

Joseph fledged at 7am this morning andCheroke seems to have changed overnight


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