Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

ON / Hamilton - Sheraton Hotel - 2008-21

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Thanks for the pics and the updates, ballywing :)

Are Surge and Madame X likely to notice she is back? 
Will Chedoke not be too far behind the others in flying techniques to participate in all she has to learn?  I've always worried about the rehab that might happen during a critical learning phase for a fledgling.

Great pics Ballywing thank you!  I love that name Surge I will sure be looking forward to seeing these 2 next year!

Yikes, got kinda behind on the Updates!!!!

* As of June 21st, Peter & Joseph were getting better in their flying & landing skills and Henderson & Chedoke were still in the nest, not fledged yet.
* On June 22nd, Henderson finally made her first flight and by the end of the day was doing quite well. This pic is just before she took off.
* June 23rd, Chedoke spent most of the day testing her wings. Peter came to visit late in the day (Peter on ledge, Chedoke in nest)
* By June 25th, 3 out of 4 kids flying, getting better every day. Chedoke practicing her step dancing techniques, but not figured out what the wings are for yet.
* June 26th, All chicks back in the nest for a little reunion.
* June 27th, Chedoke almost ready!!!!!
* June 28th, Chedoke finally takes to the air!!  Makes a good landing back at the nest.
* June 29th, more flying, accidental take-off by Chedoke when practicing turned into flight due to strong wind gusts! ....Next day she ended up on a low building marquee & watchers realized she had a wing injury. Rescued & taken to rehab facility.
* By July 1st, the other 3 chicks doing mid-air food transfers & improving their skills.
* July 5th, Chedoke's Xrays show no breaks, wings holding & flapping well. She'll be released soon back to the nest, which is now very empty.


The Peregrine Chick:
We have a ledge near the nestbox in West Winnipeg much like the one here - hope our chicks are able to use it as well as these guys/gals have!


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