TPC, this is a partial 2019 recap about Boh 2...
2019 Recap
"The eventful season officially began when Barb laid her first egg on the morning of March 20, followed by the second on March 22, the third on March 24 (or 25), and the fourth on March 27.
Around April 18, one of the eggs was removed from the cluster, likely as Barb may have known that it was non-viable.
In late April, Boh disappeared from the nest for unknown reasons, and a new male peregrine falcon began to court Barb and bring her prey. Cam viewers called this male peregrine, “Nubo.” We do not know what happened to original Boh, but for purposes of promotion of this cam, the Peregrine Falcon couple is still called “Barb & Boh.”
The first egg hatched on April 28, and the second egg hatched April 29. Unfortunately, the third egg was also non-viable." Thus far, there are 2 eggs. The egg in the shade is the egg that Barb removed from the cluster last year. On average, she lays 4 eggs a year. So we have Barb and BohII (2nd)