Author Topic: England / London - Fulham & Barnes - 2020 / Tom & Flame  (Read 5107 times)

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Offline The Peregrine Chick

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    • Peregrine Falcon Recovery Project (Manitoba)
England / London - Fulham & Barnes - 2020 / Tom & Flame
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2014, 11:59 »
Fulham & Barnes Peregrines
City of London, England

Charing Cross Hospital (Fulham)                                          London Wetland Centre (Barnes)

The FaB Peregrine Falcons who share most of their time between Fulham (in particular Charing Cross Hospital) and Barnes (London Wetland Centre).  The hospital is just to the left and across the river from the centre - straight line distance between the two - 1.25 km.

Charlie is the falcon and was the first one to settle in 2007. Mr C, the tiercel, joined her in June 2008. After a successful breeding season in 2011, when they fledged 3 young, MrC was replaced by a new tiercel, Tom (The Other Male). Charlie was replaced by Flame in 2019.

London Peregrine Partnership

webcam link:  (not active as of 15 Jan 2014)

FaB blog:
