Norwich Cathedral / Cathedral Church of the Holy and Undivided Trinity
Norwich, Norfolk, England
Urban Peregrines Project run by the Hawk & Owl Trustwebcam & website link: updates/blog link: (this is for both Norwich & Bath nestsites)
Note about this initiative: The Norwich Cathedral peregrines are wild birds and it is the Hawk and Owl Trust’s policy that we will not intervene with chicks or adults whilst they are on the platform. Wild peregrines lay an average of 4 eggs but on occasion not all of the chicks survive. Factors such as adverse weather, sickness, inexperienced parents and lack of food can all lead to one or more of the chicks failing to survive. The chicks will have leg rings put on by a ringer with a licence to visit the platform to ring the chicks before they fledge. Peregrines are protected from disturbance by law whilst nesting.