Manitoba Peregrines > McKenzie Seeds Peregrines

McKenzie Seeds - 2020 / Wingo Starr & Hurricane

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The Peregrine Chick:

--- Quote from: RCF on June 28, 2020, 13:07 ---It stormed here last evening and it was raining horizontal for a bit!  It was from the northwest so the falcons may have got a bit wet.
Photo from my balcony.

--- End quote ---

The box is closer to the south end of the east wall at McKenzie Seeds so I'm hoping the building provided good protection from the driving rain - a little wet and cool wouldn't be a bad thing given the heat and humidity, but nice if the chicks don't have to get bounced around in their nestbox.  They are young enough still that their default position in bad weather will be down on their bellies in the most sheltered corner and likely Hurricane if not both Hurricane and Wingo in with them or at the nestbox with them.  The McKenzie Seeds nestbox has certainly seen its fair share of crappy weather, many of them during Hurricane's tenure, and everyone has done well.  With luck there will be some more rain today to give the Brandon kids a break from the humidity ...

It stormed here last evening and it was raining horizontal for a bit!  It was from the northwest so the falcons may have got a bit wet.
Photo from my balcony.

The Peregrine Chick:
I think that 2 chicks is the magic number this year ... or so far at least! Hurricane and Wingo obviously have 2 chicks and we know Ella and Pip have two. We aren't positive but we do have one other nest but we were sure they were nesting until a little fuzzy head (two actually) popped up on a blurry photo. The site is vulnerable to predation and so we hope they will be okay through the next week of exceedingly hot weather!

We of course have our fingers crossed for all the kids - not sure Hurricane's and Wingo's kids need the luck - they seem to be doing very well in their parents' care!! Box faces east so they have shade during the hottest part of day - and though there is a wall on the south end of the box the wind is forecast from the south-east so there should be a breeze for the chicks this afternoon! Would be nice if the forecast for rain later in the day comes true ... think the Brandon 2 might just be old enough to do a little dancing in the rain ...

Good spot to see everyone but of course one is hiding behind mom.  ::) 

These guys are growing!  :-*


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