Author Topic: Bijii the Barn owl  (Read 5827 times)

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Bijii the Barn owl
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2019, 14:12 »
Prairie Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre has announced the passing of one of their ambassadors.  Bijii the Barn owl The following was posted on Facebook.

"2019 has been a struggle of a year for us. We lost another wonderful ambassador that we're in disbelief. Our beloved Bijii the Barn owl was not feeling well Friday evening and Saturday took a turn for the worse. Dr. Davidson from Whyte Ridge Veterinary Hospital did all that he could but we had to said goodbye that afternoon. He will be missed by the volunteers, staff, and the public that he met.
Bijii, was born April 21st, 2013 in a facility in Ontario. We were excited to have Bijii joining our education team in July 2013. He has met thousands at special events and school presentations during his six years. Bijii was easy going and was usually a beginner ambassador for new volunteers to train with. He tend to like to jump on volunteers heads when they entered his enclosure.
Barn owls were once found in Manitoba but have since disappeared in the early 1980's. With Manitoba's cold winters and lack of old barns for them to roost, they left our province and for the warmer climates of B.C and Ontario. Barn owl families can eat up to 1000 mice in one year.
We truly loved our Bijii and will always remember his chirps and screeches."