Author Topic: NE / Omaha - Woodmen Tower - 2009-21  (Read 40840 times)

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Re: Omaha / Woodmen Tower - 2009-2011 / Zeus & Hera
« Reply #14 on: April 09, 2009, 18:54 »
Here is one of the newsletters explaining about the potential problems with releasing Amelia.  There are more updates after this one in the Newsletter archive section that explain the thinking behind the release and their sadness at the unexpected outcome.

I just read the article - there is one error in it. Amelia and Zeus's last chick, born in 2005, was not named "Amelia"; her name was Athena. At banding, Amelia would not leave her, so Amelia was also taken inside. Athena was found to have Trichomoniasis; since Amelia was there, she was checked also, but she was fine. Athena was taken to Raptor Recovery for treatment, and Zeus and Amelia waited and waited outside the window for her to return. When she was finally returned, Amelia would not leave her for several days. Athena recovered fully and fledged successfully.

When Amelia was X-rayed after her injury, it was found that she had been shot at some time prior to the injury. She had pellets in one wing. I did ask if The Raptor Center planned to remove them; I don't know if it was the same wing as the fracture or the other wing, but I do know they opted not to remove them. I was concerned because if they were lead pellets, over time the lead could leach into the bloodstream and cause her major problems.

The Raptor Center opted not to release her in Nebraska because they were concerned about the outcome of a possible battle with Hera, who is a big, strong falcon, immediately after Amelia's long time in rehab.

Offline bev.

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Re: Omaha / Woodmen Tower - 2009-2011 / Zeus & Hera
« Reply #13 on: April 09, 2009, 13:58 »
thanks Tracy.
 I guess I knew that but had to have it confirmed. I guess each site is different. and they have to wiegh out the pros and cons.

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Omaha / Woodmen Tower - 2009-2011 / Zeus & Hera
« Reply #12 on: April 09, 2009, 12:32 »
Had Amelia, an adult female, been released within her own territory she would certainly have returned to her nestsite and a territorial dispute would have been inevitable.  Releasing her elsewhere isn't really a problem, these are birds that travel (by instinct, it isn't learned) all the way to South America and back each year.  So long as she could fly and hunt, she would be fine so long as she didn't get into a territorial conflict.  And territorial conflicts don't just happen at the beginning of the season, they just happen more then since everyone is looking for/returning to territories.  Had Amelia been released while there were chicks around (pre & post fledging), she could well have had her tailfeathers handed to her by both adults in defense of the chicks.

Offline bev.

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Re: Omaha / Woodmen Tower - 2009-2011 / Zeus & Hera
« Reply #11 on: April 09, 2009, 10:44 »
thanks Tracy,
for all the information on the nesting birds there and their offspring.   :) :)

I understand the part of them being worried about an ensuing fight and I remember what Froona told us about whyS2 did not mother right  from the start.
and I know they did not want Hera and Amelia to get into a confrontation.

so then why not wait until after those hormones are in check and then release her in area that is know to her.
In the case of the transmitter girl last year, they were pretty sure that those hormones you talk about wee in check, that is she was not interested  in the fight for the nest, and so she soared away. Beautiful to watch , by the way, and went back to the Weber building that she knew from the year before.
Now Maggie blue I am going to read the article you posted.  I think I have read it before, but i will again.

Offline maggieblue

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Re: Omaha / Woodmen Tower - 2009-2011 / Zeus & Hera
« Reply #10 on: April 09, 2009, 09:23 »
Here is one of the newsletters explaining about the potential problems with releasing Amelia.  There are more updates after this one in the Newsletter archive section that explain the thinking behind the release and their sadness at the unexpected outcome.

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Re: Omaha / Woodmen Tower - 2009-2011 / Zeus & Hera
« Reply #9 on: April 09, 2009, 09:06 »
Did you know that before Hera, Zeus was paired with Winnie, and yes, Winnie as in Winnipeg.  She was another kid of T-Rex (Trey's Dad - they are half-sibs) from the University of Manitoba Campus.  Doorly in Topeka is one of their kids.  Hope his mate is one of Amelia's kids and Amelia is a full sib of Madame, Trey's Mom.
Wow  Thanks Tracy, I love hearing about the family histories.

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Re: Omaha / Woodmen Tower - 2009-2011 / Zeus & Hera
« Reply #8 on: April 09, 2009, 09:01 »
When I was looking for background on this site I came across an article about Amelia's rehabilitation.  She wasn't recovered enough for release until after Zeus and Hera had already paired up.  This was like the Victory/Scout scenario in Colombus.  There was concern that Amelia would immediately return to her nestsite with an ensuing fight between her and Hera with injuries and/or death to one or both.  I can't recall where I read this, it might have been in the archived newsletters.  I will try to find it when I have some more time. 

Offline carly

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Re: Omaha / Woodmen Tower - 2009-2011 / Zeus & Hera
« Reply #7 on: April 09, 2009, 08:33 »
Look at what happened at the Brighton site, the rehabbed tiercel flew right to the nestbox and huge, nasty fight ensued.  Can you imagine if she had had eyases newly hatched, could have been like Ma & S2 in the Netherlands.

If they have established nest sites,I guess it doesn't matter where they release them but perhaps the decisions are made as TPC said based on the situation.  Maybe some distance buys them a bit of time depending on what is going on at said site and what time of year it is.  If it's 'courting season' and the hormones are a raging, then maybe a few weeks gives the hormones time to calm down and they'd think twice before fighting to the death?  Whereas if hormones are in 'mating' mode then I would imagine they'd be keen to fight it out? 

I'm just was something Froona said about the way hormones affects their behaviour during courting/mating season that put it in my mind.  She said when S2 took over the nestbox and refused to feed Ma's eyases, it was because her hormonal cycle was set to 'courting' so in her mind any food Pa brought was for her not for the eyases.  Once that phase passed and she was calmed down..then she reverted to 'mom' mode and was able to mother the little ones.  I'm explaining it in simplistic terms of course, as I don't have Froona's biological knowledge but I did get the gist of what she was saying.  Perhaps the same logic applies here?

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Omaha / Woodmen Tower - 2009-2011 / Zeus & Hera
« Reply #6 on: April 09, 2009, 02:47 »
I watch this nest in silence. I was so sad when Hera was injured last year and Zeus tried his best

Did you know that before Hera, Zeus was paired with Winnie, and yes, Winnie as in Winnipeg.  She was another kid of T-Rex (Trey's Dad - they are half-sibs) from the University of Manitoba Campus.  Doorly in Topeka is one of their kids.  Hope his mate is one of Amelia's kids and Amelia is a full sib of Madame, Trey's Mom.

I was also upset about Amelia.  I was puzzled when they released Amelia becasue they released her in unknown territory to her.  I think she got confused .

Correct me if I am wrong Tracy, but the biologists here said that you should always release injured or rehabilitated  adult falcons  in an area they are familiar with.
when they released the transmitter girl last year, they released her at the agricultural building , which is not far from the nest site. Because of the time of the release , they did not feel she would return there but she was familiar with the area.

The year before when the Balzac. girl and the transmitter girl fought , they released the transmitter girl just down the street.  Well it was a ways down but she knew the area. she did try and return but was chased off by the Balzac girl

I love the rehabilators and I am not being critical of these ones. I am just confused that they would do that after what these biologists here stated. 

I'm not a rehabber but as I understand it, it depends on when it is.  We return rehabbed fledglings to their nestsites in the hope that their parents will continue to support them if the absence is short enough (up to 3 weeks in our experience).  Longer than that, the rehabbers keep the birds and make sure they can fly and hunt on their own before we re-release them.  I think release locations are a question of preference and what is best for the bird being released.  Since young birds tend to disperse from the nestsite a few weeks after fledging, some adults do as well, some don't.  We haven't ever had any conflicts between adults and offspring that have been missing for an extended period, but that is something I would have to consider before that kind of release.

Does that kinda/sorta answer your question?  I am waiting for a response from a rehabber friend of mine, will tell you what she says when I hear something.

Offline bev.

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Re: Omaha / Woodmen Tower - 2009-2011 / Zeus & Hera
« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2009, 22:15 »
I watch this nest in silence. I was so sad when Hera was injured last year and Zeus tried his best

so I am happy that these 2 will raise another brood. Fingers are crossed for them

I was also upset about Amelia.
I was puzzled when they released Amelia becasue they released her in unknown territory to her.  I think she got confused .

Correct me if I am wrong Tracy, but the biologists here said that you should always release injured or rehabilitated  adult falcons  in an area they are familiar with.
when they released the transmitter girl last year, they released her at the agricultural building , which is not far from the nest site. Because of the time of the release , they did not feel she would return there but she was familiar with the area.

The year before when the Balzac. girl and the transmitter girl fought , they released the transmitter girl just down the street.  Well it was a ways down but she knew the area. she did try and return but was chased off by the Balzac girl

I love the rehabilators and I am not being critical of these ones. I am just confused that they would do that after what these biologists here stated.

Offline Alison

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Re: Omaha / Woodmen Tower - 2009-2011 / Zeus & Hera
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2009, 19:28 »
Here is a good news story.  :)  
I think that TPC and/or Alison might have mentioned something about this site last year but I couldn't find it.

I think I did mention something about this site at some point. I've been watching this nest for a number of years. I am so glad to see Hera with five eggs again. She and Zeus had five eggs last year before Hera was injured, and I think also in her first year at the nest (2006).

Hera arrived in 2006 and replaced Zeus's former mate, Amelia. Amelia had been found with a wing fracture in December of 2005, and was taken to Raptor Recovery. The wing did not improve as they hoped, so at the end of December she was flown to The Raptor Center in Minnesota, where surgery was performed on her wing. The surgery was successful, and Amelia improved in rehab, although she had continuing problems with her feet in captivity. She was not released during the breeding season, since Hera was at the nest and they did not want her to attempt to return. She was released in Minnesota in October 2006. One week later she was found, very weak, and despite emergency treatment she died during that night at The Raptor Center. She was a beautiful falcon, and a great mother.

I hope Hera and Zeus have a very successful year this year.


Hera looking up at the cam:


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Re: Omaha / Woodmen Tower - 2009-2011 / Zeus & Hera
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2009, 17:26 »
Nice to hear a happy ending to such a difficult story. Thanks for letting us know about this website.

Offline carly

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Re: Omaha / Woodmen Tower - 2009-2011 / Zeus & Hera
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2009, 17:20 »
Thank you Maggie, that site sure has had it's share of trauma in the past from what I read in the 'history'.  Great to hear that Hera survived and they were reunited - quite the romantic story   ;)  and 5 eggs wow!!  Go Zeus!!

Offline maggieblue

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NE / Omaha - Woodmen Tower - 2009-21
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2009, 15:36 »

Here is a good news story.  :) 

I think that TPC and/or Alison might have mentioned something about this site last year but I couldn't find it.  The current pair here are Zeus and Hera.  Zeus was born in Rochester in 1994 and his first mate was Winnie, listed as having been born in Winnipeg at the University of Manitoba in 1994.  The family tree section provides the history of the pairs here and their offspring. 

Last year Zeus and his third mate Hera (unbanded) had chicks and then Hera was injured and put in rehab.  Zeus carried on trying to raise the chicks alone.  The weather didn't cooperate and when he had to go to find food the chicks succumbed. 

Now for the good news part.  Hera was rehabilitated and released to be re-united with Zeus.  As of today they have 5 eggs!  The link to their blog is below with the updates from this year.  The numerous webcams provide some great views.  ;D