Author Topic: NE / Omaha - Woodmen Tower - 2009-21  (Read 36174 times)

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Offline RCF

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Re: Omaha / Woodmen Tower - 2009-2011 / Zeus & Hera
« Reply #179 on: April 16, 2018, 14:02 »
Mintaka’s New Mate Has Been ID’d

We finally know who Mintaka’s been so sweet on for more than a month.

Please welcome Chayton to WoodmenLife Tower.
After we learned Mintaka’s previous mate, Charity, died in a collision in January, falcon watchers have been hopeful he would find a new sweetheart and there would be another clutch of eggs.

Offline Alison

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Re: Omaha / Woodmen Tower - 2009-2011 / Zeus & Hera
« Reply #178 on: March 26, 2018, 01:25 »

Nice that she's a local girl, too bad we don't have information on her parents - that year none of the identities of the nesting adults in Missouri were reported in the Midwest database.  Who knows, with those speckles on her breast maybe she's one of Princess' kids - or Hurricane's, Joli's, Terminator's, Alley's or Jules' even ... likely not but without IDs anything is possible!   ;)  Only a month and a bit until at least one of our birds should be home!!!

I am not at all sure that Chayton is the new female at the Woodmen nest. The only female I have seen there is banded black/red, but although the band is pretty much unreadable, it does not seem to resemble 17/Z. Of course, the female I have seen may be a different bird. Chayton is the one who was with Orozco last year in Omaha, and may still be there.

I can give you some information on Chayton's background.

Her mother was born in 2004 at the Riverside Plaza nest in Minneapolis. She is banded black/green 49/C, and has nested for a number of years in Kansas City, Missouri with her unbanded mate, who was displaced by an intruder last year while she was incubating four eggs, leaving her to incubate and raise her chicks alone.

The father of 49/C is Rocket, banded black/green L/M, born in 2000 at the Riverside Plant in Minneapolis.

The mother of 49/C is Phoebe, an escaped falconry bird from Kansas, born in 1994. After her escape, she headed north to Minneapolis, where she nested at a bridge site for several years before moving to the Riverside Plaza site in 2004, where she and her new mate Rocket raised four female chicks. I think it is interesting that when it was time for 49/C to search for a nest of her own, she headed to the area her mother came from. Kansas City, Missouri is just across the river from Kansas City, Kansas.

Rocket's father is Lightning, banded black/red *3/*A, born in 1998 at the Sherco Plant nest in Minnesota. In 2002 Lightning's mate was Marie, banded  K/*V, from the Monticello Plant.

Lightning and Marie are the parents of Princess.

So you are right, TPC, she does have a connection to Princess.

And one of the 2017 chicks from the Kansas City nest spent part of the winter in Dallas. Her name is Gabi, and she is banded black/blue 69/K.

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Omaha / Woodmen Tower - 2009-2011 / Zeus & Hera
« Reply #177 on: February 19, 2018, 01:09 »
I believe her name is Chayton.  :)

This person Chad Steele identified the female 17 / Z in the Midwest Peregrine Database report.

 Female Chayton 17 / Z - born in 2014 in Jackson County, Missouri. Ringed on the American Century Investments building.

Thanks for this RCF!  Question  ??? - the photo at the top of page 2 on BCAW was from her sighting in Omaha in January 2017 - has it been confirmed that she is back in Omaha now?  Nothing on Twitter yet and I don't Facebook so just trying to get the timeline/IDs straight in case she does in fact hook up with our Manitoba grand-kid Mintaka!

Nice that she's a local girl, too bad we don't have information on her parents - that year none of the identities of the nesting adults in Missouri were reported in the Midwest database.  Who knows, with those speckles on her breast maybe she's one of Princess' kids - or Hurricane's, Joli's, Terminator's, Alley's or Jules' even ... likely not but without IDs anything is possible!   ;)  Only a month and a bit until at least one of our birds should be home!!!

Offline RCF

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Re: Omaha / Woodmen Tower - 2009-2011 / Zeus & Hera
« Reply #176 on: February 17, 2018, 16:49 »
I believe her name is Chayton.  :)

This person Chad Steele identified the female 17 / Z in the Midwest Peregrine Database report.

 Female Chayton 17 / Z - born in 2014 in Jackson County, Missouri. Ringed on the American Century Investments building.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2018, 17:28 by RCF »

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Omaha / Woodmen Tower - 2009-2011 / Zeus & Hera
« Reply #173 on: January 21, 2018, 09:55 »
There is a new female on site TPC...there may be more to the story of Charity's collision than we'll ever know given how comfortable she appeared on cam with Mintaka.

Hmm sounds familiar - we don't know what happened to Joli and we'll never know I'm afraid.  Watching the cam at Logan the last birds we saw there were not Joli or Princess or Faith who had a dust up with Joli in tre Spring.  We could tell who the female was but she was making herself comfortable in the nestbox and with a male - again not someone we could ID - maybe next Spring.

Well I'm sorry Charity's loss.  Hopefully the new female will be a worthy successor.

Offline carly

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Re: Omaha / Woodmen Tower - 2009-2011 / Zeus & Hera
« Reply #172 on: January 21, 2018, 09:08 »
There is a new female on site TPC...there may be more to the story of Charity's collision than we'll ever know given how comfortable she appeared on cam with Mintaka.  No ID yet but she's banded Black over Red as well.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2018, 09:12 by carly »

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Omaha / Woodmen Tower - 2009-2011 / Zeus & Hera
« Reply #171 on: January 20, 2018, 16:53 »
2017/18 was a hard year on nesting adults - particularly females.  It may be that we really find out how hard in another couple of months when the birds return/have returned.  Fingers crossed that Mintaka will a) return and b) find a lady friend.

We may not know Charity's parentage but we do Mintaka's - neat that we can get back to the captive-breeding program birds on both the Canadian & US side.

son of 19K & Alley (Lincoln)
grandson of Trey & Princess (Radisson), US breeding program pair
great-grandson of T-Rex & Madame (Radisson), Lightning & Marie (Minneapolis), 2 US breeding program pairs
great-great-grandson of Pop & Maud (Radisson), 2 US breeding program pairs
great-great-great-grandson of Keet & Jessie (CWS), Billy-Rae & MF-1 (Minneapolis), 1 US breeding pair
great-great-great-great-grandson of 1 US breeding prgram pair (parents of MF-1) and Cdn (SK) breeding program pair (parents of Billy-Rae)

Offline Alison

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Re: Omaha / Woodmen Tower - 2009-2011 / Zeus & Hera
« Reply #170 on: January 20, 2018, 09:07 »
There is very sad news from the Woodmen nest today:

It is with a heavy heart that we announce that Charity, our female falcon nesting at the WoodmenLife Tower, has died after a collision.  Charity arrived in 2015 and mated with Mintaka, our male falcon.

The falcon cam last spotted a bird 11 days ago. It is believed that Mintaka is searching for a new mate. We will know for sure if Mintaka has chosen to keep the WoodmenLife Tower as his home if he returns with his new mate by late February or early March to make their new nest. See how this story unfolds at in the coming months.

Charity was a very beautiful falcon. Although she was unbanded when she arrived at the Woodmen site, I believe that she was a fairly young bird. She was later banded black/red 48/U. She was a wonderful mother to her chicks, and a loyal mate to Mintaka.

She will be greatly missed.  :'(

Offline Alison

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Re: Omaha / Woodmen Tower - 2009-2011 / Zeus & Hera
« Reply #169 on: March 27, 2017, 16:15 »
The three eggs were left unattended for a while, but then one of the parents returned to incubate.


Offline Alison

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Re: Omaha / Woodmen Tower - 2009-2011 / Zeus & Hera
« Reply #168 on: March 27, 2017, 16:12 »
Yesterday there were still two eggs, and then suddenly there were three.


Offline Alison

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Re: Omaha / Woodmen Tower - 2009-2011 / Zeus & Hera
« Reply #167 on: March 20, 2017, 15:20 »
Mintaka and Charity have their first egg today:
« Last Edit: March 20, 2017, 15:22 by Alison »

Offline Alison

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Re: Omaha / Woodmen Tower - 2009-2011 / Zeus & Hera
« Reply #166 on: September 02, 2016, 23:06 »
The following day, one of the juvies paid a visit to the nest box:


I have not seen any of the three juvies since then.

Offline Alison

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Re: Omaha / Woodmen Tower - 2009-2011 / Zeus & Hera
« Reply #165 on: September 02, 2016, 23:02 »
For some time after Hunter's sisters fledged, I saw no sign of any of them on the webcams.

Then, one day in late July, two of the juvies visited the other nest box at the same time. It was great to see them, and it gave me hope that all three may be doing well.