may 28we lost an egg at Bell on may28
at about 3:25pm , the female started eating around the 4 eggs. There was no indication before that, that there was something wrong. At first I thought she was eating prey but alas,no, now only 3 eggs.
it was confusing , as although you could see her eating , you would see 4 eggs . it has been extremely hot for the last week and a half. our birds have really suffered, and struggled to keep eggs cool, . I think it was not viable and exploded. WE saw her eating what appeared to be some of that duck in corner with it , as it appeared stuck on egg.
here is video of event male brings food to ledge and female leaves. male comes in and eats around egg and carried out shell. at end of video you can see to p half of shell gone and it is empty inside. this is why we kept seeing
4 eggs
video with male carrying out shell carrying egg. video shows egg better
3 eggs may29