Author Topic: 2019 Project Donations - Prairie Wildlife Rehab  (Read 6622 times)

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Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: 2019 Project Donations - Prairie Wildlife Rehab
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2019, 09:43 »
I don't Facebook but wanted to include this message from Lisa ... I have included the link to the Facebook post at the end.

Message from the President Lisa Tretiak
27 March 2019

As I’m writing this, the weather is finally feeling and looking like spring. It is a time when we get excited as our winter break transitions into the influx of migrating wildlife patients and the birth of new babies. We have only a small window of time left to start preparing for the demands of the upcoming season.

If you weren’t aware, I founded the PWRC back in 2007, and have been sacrificing my home, family, and personal time by working full-time (and then some) as a volunteer during spring to fall months. This has been my love and joy, and has helped keep the organization running for over 10 years.

Unfortunately, I have had a couple of health set backs recently that will impact my ability to run the Centre this summer. Last year I was diagnosed with a genetic heart condition which has resulted in my physical stamina being significantly reduced. By the end of last season I was finding it increasingly difficult to spend full days performing the physically demanding tasks of caring for the patients at the Centre. In February I was diagnosed with a growing mass in my abdomen. I have gone from a hard working, energic individual, to needing daily help caring for the rehab and education animals. It has been very difficult for me to step back from doing what I love.
Over the past six weeks the mass has grown to the point that it is now causing me daily pain. The wonderful surgeons have scheduled me for major surgery on April 3rd. With this surgery, I will be out of commission for a minimum of four to six weeks, and possibly longer depending on the type of mass that I have. While I don’t want to close PWRC’s doors while I’m recovering, the Centre will not be able to operate without help. Finding a skilled rehab volunteer able to work full-time is nearly impossible. To fill my shoes, we need to hire a Rehab Supervisor to run the Centre site and the supervise summer students and volunteers. I’m hoping to raise $10,000 to help keep our doors open. All donations are tax deductible and any donation amount is greatly appreciated. Please help me stay open!

My ask doesn’t stop there. I wear many hats in this organization. One of the major ones is co-chairing, coordinating, and organizing our annual major fundraiser “Walk/Run for Wildlife” in September. Many of the preparations and securing sponsors happens in the spring, and I will be very limited in my ability to help while recovering. I am asking for volunteers to help our co-chair Suzanne with this event. This major fundraiser contributes a significant portion of our operating funds each year to support our summer rehab projects. If you have time to dedicate, please contact the centre at 204-510-1855 or so I can put you in touch with Suzanne.

Lastly, I want to thank my volunteers and family who’ve stepped up to help me. I truly cannot express my gratitude. A huge thank you to Krista Wlasiuk, who works full-time as a nurse, picks up daily at our drop off locations, and stops by my house everyday to help me with the rehab and education animals. Truly a god sent. Thank you thank you thank you.

source:  PWRC on Facebook

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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2019 Project Donations - Prairie Wildlife Rehab
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2019, 09:40 »
As a note, in addition to a donation directly from the Project, this year we will be ear-marking a portion of every donation we receive to go to the Prairie Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre. 

Since they began, PWRC has always gone above and beyond to help the peregrines.  Most recently the persevered for almost 2 years to help Beatrix recover, they  raised Potter for his first two weeks, provided a safe, dry place for Fidler one rainy night and working hard to save one of Potter's siblings.  For all that Lisa and her team have done for our peregrines, this we can do to help PWRC.