Manitoba Peregrines > UND, Grand Forks, North Dakota

UND Tower - 2019 / Marv & ?

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A small item from the Grand Forks Herald:

Peregrine falcon chick to be banded Friday below UND water tower

July 23rd 2019 - 4pm.

The single peregrine falcon chick hatched this summer in Grand Forks will be banded at 1 p.m. Friday below the UND water tower next to Starcher Hall, 10 Cornell St., and the public is welcome to attend.

According to Tim Driscoll, a licensed bander and director of the Urban Raptor Research Project, climbers will make the ascent to retrieve the peregrine chick at 1 p.m. and lower it to the ground.

“Once on the ground, we will band the baby, take a few measurements and name it before returning it to the nest box on the water tower,” Driscoll said in an email.

For more information about Friday’s banding event, contact Driscoll at (701) 772-1222.

The photo with this item is from 2018, but the text is dated yesterday.

The Peregrine Chick:
Not a second clutch a re-nest. It looked like they were incubating and then they weren't and now it looks like they are incubating again. Just have to wait and see what happens.


--- Quote from: The Peregrine Chick on June 21, 2019, 19:37 ---Yes I do - heard from the folks in Grand Forks that Marc and his unbanded mate look to have reheated ... they can't be sure until they see chicks or feeding because there is no camera at the site.

--- End quote ---

Thank you for the info, TPC. So this may be a second clutch for Marv and his unbanded mate?

The Peregrine Chick:
Yes I do - heard from the folks in Grand Forks that Marc and his unbanded mate look to have reheated ... they can't be sure until they see chicks or feeding because there is no camera at the site.

TPC, do you have any news of the Grand Forks nest? I check frequently, but have not found any updates.


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