Author Topic: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond  (Read 48665 times)

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #153 on: January 24, 2018, 17:02 »
I’m happy to know that Marragaay is still in the area, but I’m still thinking of Bali and wondering why he disappeared so unexpectedly.

And yes, I agree that Scott has done a fantastic job!

All quiet in the box, but M still around

Published 18 January, 2018 | By Cilla Kinross

It’s been really quiet today since Diamond left the box at just past 6 am and there long absences yesterday, too.   Marragaay was last heard yesterday afternoon and the day before was spotted chasing poor old Xavier around,  but no sight or sound since.  Does this mean the parents have escorted her away from their territory?    Time will tell.

See Cilla’s entire update:

Source: FalconCam Project

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #152 on: January 24, 2018, 16:53 »
Great info in this update!

And check out the videos! Marragaay sure likes to let her presence be known - so perhaps you’ll want to turn down the volume … and Xavier is so funny at times - but judging by the look on Diamond’s face (near the end) it seems she doesn’t know what to think of him - though I’m sure she still loves him. ;D

Length of time from fledge to dispersal

Published 13 January, 2018 | By Cilla Kinross

I had a look at the last few years to see when juveniles have actually left district (well, haven’t been seen) and Marragaay’s hanging around is not that unusual.    Of note is the 2015_16 year when juveniles were seen flying past the box (often being chased away by an adult) up until 5th February.

See Cilla’s entire update: 

Source: FalconCam Project

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #151 on: January 24, 2018, 16:11 »
Thank you for keeping us updated, Scott.

YouTube teething problems

Published 11 January, 2018 | By Scott Banks

Not that anyone ever thought that YouTube actually has real teeth but our streaming feeds hiccuped yesterday, as everyone noticed. It turned out to be an issue inside CSU’s network and not due to the storm cell that blasted through Orange the previous evening, but our good DIT contact, Ayden, fixed the problem and both streams came straight back up.

See Scott's entire update:

Source: FalconCam Project

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #150 on: January 22, 2018, 18:02 »
I felt it was very thoughtful of Scott to mention their concern for us as we struggled through our deep freeze, and I’m confident that many FalconCam Project fans were thinking of the folks in and around Orange during the extreme heat in New South Wales (earlier in January).

We're getting to know such nice people - from far and near - through our interest in bird cams.

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #149 on: January 03, 2018, 23:18 »
Live camera streams & the Milestone server

Published 3 January, 2018 | By Scott Banks

The trials for both camera streams via YouTube Live have been nothing short of fantastic. The stability for both feeds is as good as the CSU network will allow and finally we’re able to offer true HD and audio to viewers. There’s the added bonus that now all Android and Apple devices can see the feeds too. We’ve yet to test functionality if, and when, there’s a power outage on campus but comments from new and existing subscribers have been great – thankyou to you all!! The trial period for one of the cameras runs out today and we’re just waiting on the invoice from Camstreamer to purchase the 2 licences, so if the feed stops on you, that’s probably what we’re waiting for! The older streaming server is still running until we know the new feeds are working trhe way we want them to.

Progress on the Milestone surveillance server rebuild is good; just having a few issues in getting our client software to see the cameras via the server, which is proving highly frustrating for Cilla, and time-consuming for both of us.

It’s good to see that the majority of the peregrine family is still with us, and no-one disgraced themselves over the Xmas/New Year period. With possibly a much warmer January and February on the way it will be interesting to see how much contact we’ll have with them all. Maybe we need to install air-conditioning up in the “Concrete Hilton”?! At least we know this summer weather is immeasurably better than conditions in North America right now. Our thoughts are with the poor folks struggling through the Big Chill up north. Any of our friends up in Winnipeg or thereabouts – how are you all coping?

N.B. (4th Jan, morning) – we should have the two streaming licences any time from now on; one YouTube feed trial has expired but it will be up again permanently as soon as the licences are applied. Thanks for your patience. We’ll keep the old streaming server up for another month after the YouTube feeds are established, just as a contingency, but will remove them from the camera pages to lessen confusion!

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #148 on: January 03, 2018, 23:03 »
Marragaay’s hunting grounds

Published 2 January, 2018 | By Cilla Kinross

Last night I was able to observe Marragaay firstly chasing Xavier around the tower and then after giving up on her parents, hunting over a paddock not far from the tower.  She then disappeared into some pines.  After about ten minutes, she flew back to the tower with her prey (unidentified at this stage, but passerine – suggestions welcome).  This was definitely her kill as the others were on the tower during this time.

Photo by Cilla Kinross
The hunting grounds

Photo by Cilla Kinross
Marragaay with her prey

I also got a video of her flying to the top of the tower, with Xavier on the ledge, soon to be replaced by Diamond.  Three out of three!  This was on 31st Dec.

Marragaay, Xavier & Diamond - Video by Cilla Kinross

Until the ledge cam is fixed, (maybe it’s too old? Perhaps just needs a kick, which I might be tempted to do when I clean the box) I probably won’t be able to do more updates from that, but I’ll try and be here at the busy time at dusk as I’m really keen to see how long Marragaay stays (or is allowed to stay) now she’s clearly a competent hunter.

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #147 on: December 28, 2017, 20:57 »
The landscape photo of the ancient yellow box trees in Cilla's most recent update is beautiful. :)  A few years ago the peregrines at CSU lost what might have been their favourite roost tree. I felt very sad for the peregrines when that happened, so I hope that no one will find it necessary to cut down any more of the much needed roost trees, especially those that are now the closest to the nest box.

Love the photo of Diamond giving Cilla the death stare. :)  I'm assuming that Cilla did not stare back because that could have agitated Diamond even more!

And it is always sweet to see Xavier and Diamond bonding. I find that Xavier has a rather unique way of dancing while they frolic around in their nest box - and Diamond loves it! ;D  I love it too!

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #146 on: December 28, 2017, 16:31 »
Marragaay still with us; parents courting

Published 28 December, 2017 | By Cilla Kinross

I haven’t seen Bali now, either in the box, on the tower, or in the fields and woods, since 20th December – over a week, now, so I think we can safely say that he has left the area, hopefully to pigeon-filled greener pastures.

Marragaay, however, doesn’t appear to want to leave home and is still chasing parents for food.   Here I caught her in the roost trees, which are ancient yellow box and looking rather fine at present, as they are in flower, so I’ve included a landscape shot.   Marragaay can just be seen as a dot in the centre far right of the picture.

Photo by Cilla Kinross

She then flew to the tower, but the photo is too back-lit.  However, Diamond gave me a look only a peregrine can produce meaning ‘back off’.

The death stare
Photo by Cilla Kinross

And here are the loving couple renewing their bonds in the longest courtship ritual I’ve seen for some time.  My apologies for the internet radio noise in the background!  Note also that the two images are slightly out of synch, so you might think there is a threesome, but alas, not just the two.

Video of Xavier and Diamond by Cilla Kinross: dancing-courtship

You will see more at the FalconCam Project!

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #145 on: December 24, 2017, 01:11 »
Bali hasn't been spotted since Cilla saw him on December 20, and I'm worried about his sudden disappearance. He seemed so comfortable around the nest area that I didn't expect him to leave for a while ... but of course I'm hoping he is well.

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #144 on: December 23, 2017, 23:34 »
Juveniles in and on top of tower

Published 23 December, 2017 | By Cilla Kinross

Sorry, I lost admin access for a bit, but I have it back.

This is the scene where Diamond has brought in a red wattlebird, but for some reason it is not eaten by Bali, who presumably is already full (too many mince pies!).  This was the last time I’ve seen the young male juvenile ie almost exactly two days ago.  Has he flown the coop?  He’s certainly not in the box at night any more, which is either empty or occupied by Diamond (adult female).

This prey species was easy to identify, being whole, but most prey brought into the box to be consumed by little ones comes minus head, wings, tail and feathers, so is quite a challenge!   I’m putting in for a small grant to get some decent video and still image enhancer, plus a research assistant to see if we can nail down some of the hundreds of prey that I have not yet been able to identify.  Or failing identification to species level, consider some way of usefully classifying each prey by size, family etc.  Ideas welcome!

Thanks to Shep who spotted some courtship interaction between Diamond and Xavier (adult male) yesterday morning.  My screen recording is pretty coarse and I missed it.   I really, really, want Milestone back!    Sorry, it’s only the ledge recording, so there are some gaps.    Having said that, I can at least make longer recordings with this system.

And thanks to Scott, who has done all this extra voluntary work to get the systems (or most of them) up and running again.    Going home for a swim, but will be back this evening.

And finally, I did a round up of the usual haunts yesterday evening.  Still no sign of Bali, but I found the rest of the family in and around the tower: Marragaay looking very regal on top, occasionally whining, Diamond, snoozing, tucked into the microwave dish and Xavier in the box.




You will find four more photos by Cilla on the FalconCam Project site.

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #143 on: December 21, 2017, 02:08 »
Trial YouTube camera feeds

Published 21 December, 2017 | By Scott Banks

It looks like we’re finally moving in to the 21st century at FalconCam Project. Today we began trialling a new technique to get the two camera streams out to the real world, via YouTube Live. Initial tests show all systems are go, after plenty of technical work in the background. A really HUGE Xmas thanks to Ayden Beeson at CSU in Albury NSW, who completed the task of reconfiguring the cameras & switches to allow feeding to YouTube Live today. It means we can almost do away with the streaming server which has become redundant in this new config. For now we’ll leave it running until we know all’s well!

YouTube has a vastly greater capability to handle high connection loads so we should hopefully have far fewer dropouts. We will still be running 24/7 but the test will be any future campus power outage and how the streams react. We will hear from the software quickly if there’s been an issue. YouTube also means that every type of o/s e.g. Android, Apple etc, can now enjoy the live streams. We’ve also configured audio, but typically, soon as we had the ledge cam streaming, all signs of life in the eyrie flew off!!

For the temporary trial, YouTube Live feeds will be posted to the CSU camera pages ASAP. In the meantime you can connect here:

Nest camera            Ledge camera

Our Axis cameras have been loaded up with a really smart piece of software from Camstreamer. It works by connecting the Axis camera directly with a streaming server and cuts out the middle man, being the encoding server. One less link in the chain to let us down. We have another 11 days of trialling before deciding one way or the other. The really big down side is the cost per camera for the app, which will clean us out. So if there’s anyone thinking of helping us out that hasn’t already, now would be a great time to join the fray!!

Other progress

Cilla was happy to be told today that our reliable Milestone surveillance server has been rebuilt and just needs an updated licence from Milestone to be operating again. Same server, new HDD. Over the coming months we will look at improving our disaster recovery model for this unit, which has run 24/7 for about 4 years now. We may look at moving to “SSD” drives instead of the traditional hard drives, to improve access speed and processing power. This will depend on available funds.

So, all-in-all, a successful day for the Project. Let us know your thoughts on the YouTube Live streaming capabilities. We think it’s the way to go. Thanks again to Ayden B for his awesome help today and to CSU DIT for allowing us the bandwidth to broadcast the peregrine falcons to the universe!

Source: FalconCam Project

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #142 on: December 21, 2017, 00:25 »
The cams at CSU are now streaming on YouTube - with sound, though Scott mentioned they are still in testing.

Ledge cam -

Nest cam -

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #141 on: December 20, 2017, 21:03 »
Both cams are currently down.

Testing on the camera feeds

Published 21 December, 2017 | By Scott Banks

Apologies to all if the cameras go up and down for the next few hours. We’re running some connectivity tests in attempts to improve accessibility, so they may be up and down. I’ll advise when we’re done. Thankyou for your patience.


Source: FalconCam Project

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #140 on: December 18, 2017, 14:26 »
Today they're expecting a high of 35°C in Orange, New South Wales!

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #139 on: December 18, 2017, 14:20 »
Bali and Marragaay were seen together in the nestbox! We're very lucky to see them. Thank you, Cilla.

Update - Siblings at dusk

Published 18 December, 2017 | By Cilla Kinross

After a rather hot and uneventful day, I heard the juvenile female, Marragaay screeching around the tower.  This is usually followed by Diamond taking shelter in the box, but that didn’t happen.  What DID happen, however, was a surprise (and very short) visit by both juveniles – Marragaay on the ledge, I think.    I missed the entry and the video is very jerky.  I”m still using screen recorder (and still camping in my office, almost) and the quality is very poor, so I can let it go all night.   And I’m off home now.

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #138 on: December 17, 2017, 02:41 »
Update - Family still intact

Published 16 December, 2017 | By Cilla Kinross

Diamond having booted Bali out of his bed in the box and both birds apparently having made kills, I was expecting a quiet campus today, but no..both the juveniles are still here.   This is Marragaay on the roost tree this morning:

When I went to the university this evening to change the screen recorder, Marragaay was doing her usual trick of screaming around the tower after Diamond, who again took refuge in the box.   Xavier meanwhile was on the tower, studiously ignoring the shenanigans.   And as I drove home, both youngsters were on the roost tree, Bali quiet, Marragaay careering around.

And Bali came into the box today briefly, too: Bali lands

See more at the FalconCam Project.

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #137 on: December 14, 2017, 11:53 »
Update - Now Bali the hunter

Published 14 December, 2017 | By Cilla Kinross

I’m still stuck with screen recorder, but I have had a go at making a small video.     The format is normally mkv, which I know most of you don’t like, but when I renamed it, it turned into a mp4 (like magic).  Is that any better?  A couple of screenshots, too.    Here Bali is arriving with his prize, which I haven’t identified but is medium sized passerine.  This happened just over an hour and a half ago.

Bali arrived in the box last night at just after 3 am.  Dirty stop out!  It’s amazing how they can fly in the middle of the night.   I understand they occasionally hunt at night, although I’ve never witnessed that with our birds.

Very late (early?) arrival of Bali last night

Xavier was in the box much of yesterday afternoon and both adults have brought prey into the box.   Nice shot here of Di leaving.

As I came into the university this evening to reset the recorder, Marragaay was chasing Diamond around and around the tower screeching her head off, before Di escaped into the box.  Amazing sight and sound!

Off home soon!

See more pics at the FalconCam Project.

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #136 on: December 13, 2017, 14:58 »
Bali left the nestbox this morning at 0515 hrs AEDT in Orange, NSW, where they're expecting a high of 33°C today - so it will be very hot up high in the nestbox!

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #135 on: December 13, 2017, 14:48 »
Update - Mother and daughter on tower

Published 12 December, 2017 | By Cilla Kinross

Just as I was leaving work, I heard a ruckus from the tower.  Marragaay was nagging Diamond, and being seriously ignored.  M took off, followed by D and I managed to snap her leaving.

Marragaay nagging Mum

Diamond leaving tower

When I got down to vantage point to the roost tree, there was an adult and juvenile (eating), but I couldn’t be sure who was there.  I’m hoping it was Xavier and Bali as I haven’t seen Xavier for over two days, which is highly unusual.

Cilla has seen Xavier since writing this update, so all is well.

See more pics at the FalconCam Project.

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #134 on: December 11, 2017, 14:50 »
Update - Marragaay the hunter?

Published 11 December, 2017 | By Cilla Kinross

I’ve just scanned the weekend’s tapes – much slower process than with the proper software.   In fact, I think I’ll just move my bed into the uni!

Of interest, was the fact that Marragaay spent much of Sunday in the box  after consuming prey.  Unfortunately, I missed her entry, but she when the screen unfroze, she was clutching the starling.   So I don’t know whether she brought it in herself or whether it was dropped off for her.  Did anyone see this – it was between 1100-1103 h (am) on 10th December (yesterday)?  Of course, even if she brought in the prey, it doesn’t mean it was her kill – she might have taken it from one of her parents in mid-flight as part of her training.

Marragaay with her prize.

And Diamond brought in what was left of a pigeon, which she ate herself (at least most of it; I missed her take-off).

No sign of Xavier since yesterday very early morning.

Bali still using box at night (but not tonight, it seems , as the box is empty as I write at 10.25 pm.   And I saw him in the roost tree this afternoon.

And time to go home!

See more pics at the FalconCam Project.

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #133 on: December 08, 2017, 08:13 »
Update - What a trio

Published 8 December, 2017 | By Cilla Kinross

I had a bit of luck tonight.  Both juveniles were in the dead tree. I watched them flying about (I’m not quick enough to photo them in flight, alas) and then settle close together in the tree, to be joined later by Diamond (Mum), who was not at all impressed with my presence, but didn’t actually attack.  At first it was poor light, then the evening sun shone through the trees picking out our duo and then the trio.

In the shots with Diamond, she is on top, then Bali with Marragaay lower.  Note how she is much bigger, and still a bit fluffy.  Nice shot of Diamond last.


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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #132 on: December 05, 2017, 14:03 »
Update - Taking bets on Bali

Published 6 December, 2017 | By Cilla Kinross

For some reason my post last night has not appeared.  The Milestone recording software is still not working, but I’m really keen to record at the moment, especially the movements of Bali (and Marragaay if she appears) and how long they hang around using the box.

So I’ve managed to get some screen capture software (Movavi).  This is going fine, but I have to be there to jog the screen when it hangs ie refresh the browser, so not much use overnight and during the morning.  I’m not sure how to overcome that, except to try and install it at home, which will require pretty heavy data usage.  We are on NBN wireless, which is okay, but not unlimited.  And I don’t fancy waking every hour to refresh browser!

So your screen capture shots are really useful, especially those of Bali leaving and other early morning activities.  Many thanks to those who sent them in.

Bali arrived quite late last night about 8.30 pm and was gone by 6 am.

Anyway, what are bets for how long he/they hang around?  We did have a juvenile female stay until about late January, often overnight in the box with her mother (old Swift).  But last year both juveniles were seen no more than three weeks post-fledge (ie now).



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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #131 on: December 05, 2017, 13:58 »
Bali has been spending the night in his nest box quite regularly. :)

This morning it was very foggy in Orange. The temperature was 10.0°C when Bali left the nest at 0534 hrs AEDT. Currently, the relative humidity is still 99%, but the fog has since cleared.

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #130 on: December 01, 2017, 01:57 »
Update - FalconCam Project is down but not out

Published 1 December, 2017 | By Scott Banks

The other day campus experienced a really dangerous power supply “fluctuation” which almost destroyed some of our computer equipment. It wasn’t a power outage as much as it was a cycling of power, no power, power etc, which (as some may have seen before in computers) can ruin a computer  for good. Basically the surveillance server won’t reboot properly so we’re going through Windows diagnostics to get it going again, but also the streaming server ran out of disk space (??), hung on a dead screen, then managed to delete the streaming app that we made! So for now the streaming is offline, and will be until we can correct the server.  We’re VERY lucky our servers survived (so far) as a monster “Uninterruptible Power Supply” in the same rack blew itself up (AU$15k-18k gone!). The fluctuation wasn’t a normal situation for computers or UPS units to handle so there will be a few days of repairs and restorations. Luckier than the power pole down the road that flamed up and burnt out in the process!

When I can get the equipment all back online with some stability I’ll advise.

We’ll have it fixed in…. no time…


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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #129 on: November 30, 2017, 22:43 »
Update - Switch to fieldwork

Published 1 December, 2017 | By Cilla Kinross

It looks like the power pole has done more damage than a simple power outage and both the streaming servers and the recording software have been damaged, although the computers themselves are still functioning.   Scott is burrowing away trying to fix things.    He did get the streaming server going for a while, but I believe that’s out again too.

Meanwhile, I will keep an eye out for our youngsters in the field, which I love anyway ……just wish I had more time.

Here is a rather fuzzy picture of Marragaay at sunset last night and Bali the day before on the tower.

Youngsters getting out and about (Bali, male,
above; Marragaay, female, below).

If anyone has information about who has been using the box, particularly at night since my last recording: 5 pm on Tuesday, I would be grateful, as I’m pretty sure all the data since then has been irretrievably lost.

The weekend is forecast to be wet, so probably no more updates until Monday.   Many thanks for all your support, donations and comments.

I should mention, too, that I gave a talk to Rotary a week or two ago and they are giving us $200 towards a platform to be erected outside the box to provide a bit more space for flap practice (hopefully, not falling through the gaps).   Just need to come up with a design that can be effected inside the box, to avoid the cost of a large cherry-picker!


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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #128 on: November 28, 2017, 15:18 »
Update - Bali brings in some prey

Published 28 November, 2017 | By Cilla Kinross

No, I can’t tell whether Bali killed this himself (and I’ve no idea what it is).   Probably not, as it is very well dressed, but it is another milestone for him.

Here he comes, screeching and mantling

VIDEO 20171128 Bali brings prey

Marragaay still has not returned to the box, if she has been there at all, which I now doubt, but I did see her this morning in the dead roost tree (without Bali).   He and Diamond spent most of the night together quite companionably on the night before last when there were storms.

There is widespread rain coming to Orange, starting with thunderstorms tonight and some heavy falls Friday and Saturday.  I hope they have stocked up as these can be lean periods for the birds.


See the entire post at the above link.

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #127 on: November 28, 2017, 15:06 »
I’m very thankful that Cilla persisted in searching for Marragaay and love the photos she took of Bali and Marragaay in the trees … nice to see that little brother and big sister managed to find each other.  :)

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #126 on: November 28, 2017, 14:56 »
Thank you again for all the updates, burdi!

You are very welcome, Alison, and thanks to you as well for the update!

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #125 on: November 24, 2017, 18:12 »
Thank you again for all the updates, burdi!

At last, there is good news of Marragaay.

Madame Marragaay makes an appearance

Published 24 November, 2017 | By Cilla Kinross
Every night before heading home, I check all the usual haunts, particularly a large dead tree in a paddock a few hundred metres from (and within clear sight of) the nest box. This was the tree in which our three youngsters used to congregate last year.

But every night, there was no luck until tonight. Fortunately, they were both there, so I could be sure it was Marragaay.

I crept a bit closer (keeping a wary eye out for the parents, and sheltering under a large yellow box). Marragaay was originally in a different (live) tree then flew to the dead tree to join her brother and looked every bit a peregrine in flight. Well fledged!

I’ll sleep well tonight.

Bali is the first photo and is higher up in the tree.

Photos by Cilla Kinross. Bali on the left, Marragaay on the right.


More photos at the link:

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #124 on: November 22, 2017, 22:49 »
Update - European peregrine sees off predators

Published 23 November, 2017 | By Cilla Kinross

Peregrine Falcon Video 

Amazing footage of a peregrine (I think on south coast of UK) chasing huge pelicans and a large snake.



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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #123 on: November 22, 2017, 01:04 »
Update - Father and son

Published 21 November, 2017 | By Cilla Kinross

Very little prey coming in to the box in the last few days, just a grey lump, grabbed by Bali, who left with it.      Here he is, on another occasion, giving Dad a hard time.

VIDEO  20171121 father and son ledge

VIDEO 20171121 father and son nest

You are probably wondering where Marragaay is, and so am I.   I’m not that confident it was her in the box, despite the measurements.  I think the camera has moved slightly and all the birds seem bigger than before.    I spent an hour in the woods opposite today and I’m pretty sure the family was elsewhere as all was quiet.

Anyway, I’ll keep looking and will let you know as soon as I get a good sighting.   We do know she fledged okay and is off the ground.


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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #122 on: November 19, 2017, 01:28 »
Update - days 4 and 5 since fledging

Published 17 November, 2017 | By Cilla Kinross

It’s all good news.     I checked the time of the sighting of Marragaay yesterday and the willie wagtail saga and Bali was safely tucked up in the box at that time, so that’s a relief ie it must be her.   I’ve been down to try and find her based on Scott’s description, and it seems she’s moved on (those pesky wagtails are enough to drive anyone to depart).   At least she’s obviously made her way back to the woodland from the front gate, so is heading in the right direction, and is off the ground.

Bali goes from strength to strength with repeated excursions from the box, but getting quite pampered and very cheeky.    He’s mantling regularly and doesn’t seem comfortable eating until the adult has left, but is happy still to be fed by mum when in the mood.

Here he is nagging Diamond for food and being fed until she leaves with her prey.

Does she look better upside down, Bali?

VIDEO 20171117 ledge B nags Di

VIDEO 20171117 nest B amd Di

A severe thunderstorm warming for Orange is current, but I’ve just had a look at the radar website, and I think it’s going to miss us  (famous last words!).

Our choir is performing the Mozart’s Requiem with Orange Symphony Orchestra this weekend, so I have practices tonight and tomorrow, as well as the performance on Sunday afternoon (fingers crossed!), so may not get out here until Monday.   But I’m feeling quite relieved that both birds are on track.

Enjoy your weekend.


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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #121 on: November 19, 2017, 01:13 »
Update - The tiny scourge of the trees

Published 16 November, 2017 | By Scott Banks

It’s tough enough having to leap from 50 metres up in the air, with a solid roof below you and grass a bit too far away to jump in one bound. But when you finally manage to fly away from the danger of the water tower and safely alight a branch, which you’ll call yours for a day or two, someone else already  owns it. We caught a rogue fantail harassing our new fledgling, just because the branch was a bit close to the nest. And didn’t the fantail ensure our peregrine chick knew about it!

Peregrine fledgling with cheeky fantail (expand with a click)

We later identified the culprit, last seen wearing a black mask and black leggings, wandering up the dirt track, still wary of the large intruder up above. The fledgling actually tried a large distracting loop around the back of the tower and back in to the trees again, but was harassed by various fantails at different points in the lap, only to find the initial culprit was still guarding the nest!

At the same time there was a peregrine disturbance down the paddock further, near the pine trees, but couldn’t quite see as the issue was hidden just behind a hillock. With the parents around the tower these two peregrine youngsters should do well this season.


Check out the above link to view Scott's "expand with a click" photos (they're huge!).

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #120 on: November 16, 2017, 03:28 »
Update - Bali catches up

Published 16 November, 2017 | By Cilla Kinross

Bali has revisted the box three times since he has fledged.   And, whilst it is likely that the parents have found and are feeding Marragaay, Bali is getting lots of attention, too.   Since he returned on 14th he has had at least three juvenile starlings (from Xavier), 2 unidentified, (one possibly a large honeyeater), 1 pigeon (Diamond) and he has definitely grown.   Going by my rather crude screen measurements, he is pretty much as tall and wide as Xavier now.  And feisty!   Here is seeing off Xavier after grabbing the prey.  This was yesterday

VIDEO  15_11_2017 Bali sees off Xavier nest

VIDEO  20171115 Bali sees off Xavier ledge

Today it has been raining, but not that hard.   At 1.15 pm Bali left and returned again to the box in a rather inelegant fashion.

Not the best landing, but safe and sound

VIDEO   20171116 crooked landing

I think I mentioned that I did find Marragaay yesterday.   She had worked her way down to near the  main entrance and was sitting on some pipes, not far off the ground.   I did try and catch her, but she is flying weakly, but okay, so she too off.  Unfortunately, she went out of my sight very quickly, so I wasn’t able to gauge the distance travelled, but she wasn’t flying high, so probably not very far.    She seemed fine.    I haven’t seen her since, despite considerable searching, but am expecting her to find her way back to the park opposite the nest box within a day or two.

Hello, Marragaay, how did you get here?


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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #119 on: November 14, 2017, 23:25 »
Meanwhile, back at the nest, Bali was being fed by Diamond, however, soon after finishing his meal at 1536 hrs AEDT he suddenly picked up the remains and flew off with them! Diamond seemed to look a bit surprised and just sat on the ledge looking out for a while, but now I see that she is gone and Bali is back, relaxing. :)

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #118 on: November 14, 2017, 22:54 »
Marragaay still hasn’t been spotted since yesterday, but Cilla will have another look around this afternoon. I was pleased to hear she had some help yesterday!

Cilla Kinross says:   
15 November, 2017 at 1:50 pm   

I’ve had young males that have needed assistance, too, so I don’t think one can draw conclusions from such a small data set. However, I’ll have a look at others’ work and see what they say and whether our finding support them.

Perhaps the more important question is: when do they fledge. If a bit before time, then females in particular are likely to struggle because they mature more slowly (you can tell by her fluffiness that she wasn’t really quite ready, I think).

And no, I wasn’t up early; sometimes insomnia gets the better of me. I’m now very dozy!

I’ll go and have another scout around this afternoon. There’s some quite heavy rain forecast.

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #117 on: November 14, 2017, 03:48 »
Thank you, Alison. I’m also surprised to see that Bali made it back to the nest so soon! However, now I’m worried about Marragaay especially if she’s near the ground; Cilla had mentioned ground predators in that area (some time ago).

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #116 on: November 14, 2017, 03:23 »
Cilla Kinross says:   
14 November, 2017 at 4:45 pm   

And we’ve found Marragaay, too. She was down near the water tanks below Dentistry, sitting on water pipe, just off the ground. She took off as I approached (to place her in a tree with a ladder) and flew towards the front entrance.

We (Tiffany and I) had a good look around, but couldn’t see her. She wasn’t flying that strongly, so didn’t go very far. She might have landed in some long grass and be well hidden.

I took a photo with my iphone, so will try and load that tomorrow.

A thunderstorm is brewing, so she might have a wet, hungry night.
Bali, however, is tucking into dinner in the eyrie, all creature comforts cared for! Having said that, the parents knew where she was I think as they were acting agitated when we were near her.

Cilla Kinross says:   
14 November, 2017 at 6:29 pm   

She would have been better off to have waited a couple of days and may have strained her wings a bit in that long first flight, but I’m sure she’ll be okay. Will keep an eye out for her.


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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #115 on: November 14, 2017, 03:15 »
Update - Bali goes home

Published 14 November, 2017 | By Cilla Kinross

Well, I didn’t have to look for him for long.  He’s come back to the nest and is sitting there as I type, looking like Lord Muck.    This is not unheard of, but fairly unusual, particular so fast after fledging.   It’s a really long flight uphill for a young bird!

Now we just have to find Marragaay.    The bird spotted in the trees earlier this morning was probably this one as the observer (who is very experienced) said she thought it was probably the male.

Thanks to all those eyes out there helping to spot our youngsters.

Well, we know there’s nothing wrong with his flight
                   abilities – or his hunger!

VIDEO 20171114 Bali comes home


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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #114 on: November 14, 2017, 02:54 »
Here’s another great YouTube video by Scott Banks, though I’m not sure why he cut it so short.

Two very bored peregrine eyases

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #113 on: November 14, 2017, 02:52 »
Wow! Marragaay rules in Scott’s "midnight feast" video!

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #112 on: November 14, 2017, 02:47 »
Update - More peregrine highlights, as we farewell the two fledglings for 2017

Published 13 November, 2017 | By Scott Banks

A couple more video (with audio) clips here from the past 2-3 days:

Marragaay’s dinner time, without sibling interruptions (great shot of feathers)

Marragaay’s midnight feast (the new IR illuminator is working so well)

Night time can be lonely when on one’s own

(apologies for mixing up the two descriptions and titles for the two fledgling launch videos previously; all fixed!)

Marragaay and adult Xavier


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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #111 on: November 14, 2017, 00:40 »
Thank you so much for the updates, Burdi! They are much appreciated.

I was able to access the ledge cam a few minutes ago, and there was Bali, back in the nest, looking quite relaxed! Very well done for the little guy to make it back to the nest so soon. I hope Marragaay is also safe, wherever she is.

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #110 on: November 13, 2017, 15:02 »
Marragaay’s fledge - YouTube video by Scott Banks

2nd peregrine chick for 2017, Marragaay, bolts for the trees

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #109 on: November 13, 2017, 14:54 »
Bali’s fledge - YouTube video by Scott Banks

Peregrine chick Bali departs the eyrie

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #108 on: November 12, 2017, 22:45 »
Update - And she’s off

Published 13 November, 2017 | By Cilla Kinross

Marragaay follows in the steps of her little brother  at 6 12 this morning.   She also flew really well, over and through the eucs, where she seemed to be followed by parents, then one of them (hard to tell from here) seemed to fly between the eucs and the pine windbreak and then they all disappeared  to the left of the left of the screen (towards the trees near the car park).

It’s very hard to be sure, and you’ll have to look very closely, but it did look as if M seemed to be flying one minute, then on the ground in the next (with the two adults still flying) on the lawn to the bottom left of your screen.  Anyway here’s the video.    I have to rush, but on my way out, I’ll have a look around for her to make sure she is not still on that lawn (if she is, I’ll put her in a tree).

But what a flight!

As soon as I find the birds (which I will), I’ll put up some shots.

Thar she blows

VIDEO 20171113 and Marragaay too


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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #107 on: November 12, 2017, 16:08 »
Update - Bali bolts

Published 12 November, 2017 | By Cilla Kinross

As predicted, Bali went first and flew amazingly well, right over the eucaltyp trees, then seems to swing over to the right over the pine shelterbelt

Bali is off – brilliant flight

VIDEO  20171112 Bali bolts

You have to look very closely to see Bali against the eucalypt trees

There has been almost nothing to eat all day for these birds and this seems to be a deliberate ploy to encourage fledging.  There is plenty of prey around at the moment as the young starlings are out and about and very vulnerable (and probably tastier than those stringy adults.

Just an hour earlier, the two of them were interacting on the ledge in a way that gave me a feeling that something was going to happen – either a nice plump pigeon was going to arise OR one of them was going to go.

Bored and hungry

VIDEO 20171112 bored and hungry

It’s funny because I have my good camera with me today and was going to try and get a snap of the two of them on the ledge…..but I had a fall on the trail at Mt. Canobolas, so came back to work early to lick my wounds, but …aha.. too late


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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #106 on: November 12, 2017, 15:55 »
Hi, Alison, it’s nice to see that Bali flew out so beautifully!

Marragaay seemed a bit carried away with pestering her little brother yesterday. She kept pecking at him, putting her foot on his face, etc., shortly before he flew. But she sure did appear upset and lonely after Bali left the nest box, and I presume both are missing not being able to snuggle up with each other at night.

Bali appeared to fly quite a distance, so I hope he is safe and that Cilla (or someone else) will soon be able to spot him; unfortunately, Cilla may not have much help. :(

And today, November 13, 2017, Marragaay is also gone. She must have left soon after 0600 hrs AEST … but somehow I missed it … no idea if she slipped or flew, though I hope she somehow made it to somewhere safe!

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #105 on: November 12, 2017, 14:31 »
I am pretty sure that Marragaay has also fledged. She spent the night asleep in the nest, with Diamond sleeping in the nest entrance. Marragaay was still in the nest in the very early morning, and now there is no sign of her. With the live stream not working 99.9% of the time, it is impossible to say exactly when she fledged.

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #104 on: November 12, 2017, 00:26 »
Hi burdi,

Little chick fledged some time during the afternoon of November 12 in Australia. Big chick is still in the nest, doing a lot of wing flapping and looking quite upset about being alone, with no parents visible and little brother out of the nest.

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #103 on: November 10, 2017, 13:42 »
Update - Marragaay steps up to the plate

Published 9 November, 2017 | By Cilla Kinross

Well the ledge anyway.   Here here she has a major flap, then joins little brother on the ledge for the first time.  As Sue has pointed out, Bali has been much more adventurous: flapping on the ledge, even doing pirouettes.   I’m sure he’ll go first, possibly this weekend.

One step for Marragaay to join her brother on the ledge

VIDEO  20171109 Marragaay joins Bali on ledge after major flap

I still can’t get over the size difference between these two.  Bali is really small, but getting a bit to eat – he even grabbed a prey before Marragaay (a scrap, rather than a whole bird, admittedly).    Prey has included two rock pigeons (both banded) plus one native crested pigeon (I think), starlings (one still alive that got chased around the box..not sure if this was a test for the youngsters or not, but they didn’t take the bait.  Xavier grabbed it and took off with it again)  and a few I can’t work out, but medium sized passerines, possibly wattlebird.  I do wish they would leave the heads on!


The video link is for downloading Cilla's video in case of problems accessing the website.

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #102 on: November 08, 2017, 19:16 »
Bali and Marragaay are getting along very nicely today, so I hope they don't get separated too soon. However, they're sure becoming interested in learning about life beyond the nest box, especially Bali! But even if they do wait for the right time to fledge, I don't think we'll be seeing them much longer.

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #101 on: November 08, 2017, 08:05 »
Update - A starling breakfast, again

Published 8 November, 2017 | By Cilla Kinross

Now (this morning) almost entirely in juvenile plumage, with the box gathering their baby fluff, our two youngsters will be off fairly soon.  My guess is that our baby, Bali, the male, will probably go first and that they will both go next week or weekend.  Bali’s plumage is more advanced than Marragaay’s and he seems to be without fear.  I just hope he doesn’t go TOO soon and end up in the car park (which wouldn’t be the first time).   Last year they all flew off beautifully, but sometimes they just glide to the ground.   Hard to pick.

Here Xavier, true to form, has brought in a starling, which is grabbed by big sister, Marragaay, with Bali rather forlornly reaching out to Dad as he scampers past.

A starling breakfast

VIDEO:  20171108 star bfast nest

VIDEO 20171108 star bfast ledge

I’m two days behind in my breeding behaviour recording and our nest cam is only storing three-four days at present, so the pressure is on, and I’m trying desperately to catch up.    But I have other deadlines too, so it all seems to be heading to a cliff at present!


I've added download links for the videos which may be helpful for anyone having problems accessing the CSU blog.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2017, 16:12 by burdi »

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #100 on: November 08, 2017, 07:44 »
Update - Transforming in looks and behaviour

Published 4 November, 2017 | By Cilla Kinross

Chicks are almost in juvenile plumage…just a few days now and they will have shed most of their white fluff.  They have spending much of their time flapping around the box until they collapsed in slumped huddle.

I have to feel a bit sorry about the rosella population, which is getting a bit hammered, particularly by Diamond.  Fortunately, eastern rosellas, her favoured prey, are very common in this university farm and around and are considered indicators of degraded woodland, which is a good description of the remnant woodland around here.   Crimson rosellas are occasionally taken, too, but are found less often in the really open country.

Here Xavier brings in an eastern rosella, then drops in when Diamond arrives, and then she leaves with the prey (bringing it back after a few minutes munchies out of reach of the chicks) and is chased by X, with quite a dramatic double exit.  This happened yesterday afternoon.

VIDEO 20171103 black lump nest X and Di with chicks LEDGE

VIDEO 20171103 black lump nest X and Di with chicks

This morning, a crimon rosella (suspected) is brought in by Diamond, but Bali misses out after Marragaay grabs the prize.

VIDEO  20171104 suspect CR family interaction LEDGE

Diamond comes back later and gives him a consolation prize.

I have a full day Central West Environment meeting tomorrow in Lithgow, so will leave you in peace and hope that the webcams hold up.  But just on more piccie for you of Xavier ready to make his exit:

Xavier ‘time to go!’


I've added download links for the videos which may be helpful for anyone having problems accessing the CSU blog.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2017, 16:21 by burdi »

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #99 on: November 03, 2017, 16:43 »
You may or may not have noticed that I've been posting fewer pictures here. Maybe I'll mention more on that another time.

Update - More milestones

Published 2 November, 2017 | By Cilla Kinross

One of our chicks, Bali, took his first steps to the ledge.   I’m assuming Bali is a male and Marragaay a female, due to size difference, which, at this age, should be starting to be marked, although it is odd that he was such a slow developer as males usually develop more quickly as females (and often fledge first, sometimes when I don’t think they are ready…but what do I know!).

First trip to the ledge

VIDEO  20171102 1st trip to ledge

The other behaviour that is starting to occur more often now is the tugging of food, both between the chicks and between adult and chick.   As well as the tugging of Mum’s tail!

What happened to the sharing economy!

VIDEO  20171102 please share

Marragaay won this round, but Bali got fed shortly after by Diamond.  If there is insufficient prey, then the adults ensure that at least one chick will survive by focusing on the larger, more aggressive chick, but there should be plenty of prey around, and the juvenile starlings should start appearing in the diet soon (at least in Xavier’s clutch, Diamond is showing her usual disdain for these skinny pests).   Bali is definitely getting less than Marragaay, but he is quiet feisty and when there is a larger prey like a pigeon, he always gets plenty, so I think he’ll be okay.

And here it the tussle between chick and adults

VIDEO: 20171102 star tugged

Prey has included the usual starlings,pigeons, several eastern rosellas and other parrots, possible a superb parrot (threatened species) and many others that I haven’t been able to identify.  It certainly helps when the prey comes in intact, rather than headless, tailless, wingless and plucked!


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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #98 on: November 01, 2017, 00:50 »
Update - Chicks being fed at 4 weeks

Published 31 October, 2017 | By Cilla Kinross

Hard to believe – only two-three weeks to go and then they will be off.

Here are some shots of our two youngsters, Marragaay and Bali, 30 and 28 days old respectively, being fed by Diamond after a prey drop by the father (Xavier) (the first is a pigeon; second probably a starling).

Pigeon breakfast

VIDEO   20171031 chicks fed at 4 weeks)

And a bit later this morning.  It’s bit hard to be definite because of the distortion with the close range camera, but I’m pretty sure Bali goes first for this feed.

Bali goes first

VIDEO   20171031 Bali goes first…short


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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #97 on: October 30, 2017, 02:42 »
I guess I could post this under Melbourne but that wouldn’t seem right because this is a quote from the CSU blog, and Cilla is simply mentioning Melbourne and considering the possibility of collaboration between the sites, so I’m posting it here.

Update - Melbourne breeding season over

Published 28 October, 2017 | By Cilla Kinross

I went to have a look to see what was happening at Collins Street, but there is simply a notice to say that the 2nd chick has died.   It may simply be that the heat stress just took longer to take affect in the other chick.

I couldn’t find a blog like this to look at the history of the season – is there one?   There could be some useful collaboration between the sites.

I am currently in Sydney, but Scylla has put up an excellent video under the last heading ‘interaction’ on this blog, so if you haven’t already seen this, I suggest you head there next.


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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #96 on: October 30, 2017, 01:38 »
Update - Interaction

Published 26 October, 2017 | By Cilla Kinross

I don’t quite know what this behaviour means, not speaking peregrine, but often when there has been no prey drop for a while, there is some interaction between the adult, particularly the female and the chicks, sort of ‘pretend feeding’ perhaps.  Here is a short example.

VIDEO 20171026 interaction Di chicks

I’ve put some longer videos for Scott to turn into youtubes, but I’m off to conference/AGM in Sydney (Nature Conservation Council, of which I’m the NSW West representative).

Other items to note.  Xavier brought in a live starling this morning (poor thing was not having a good time).  Diamond is still hoeing into the rosella population, mostly plucked.

Both chicks are getting fed, despite the size difference, although Bali nearly always feeds second.   Here one of the chicks is unwilling to give prey back.

VIDEO  20171025 Give it back!

AND  Some other interesting behaviour, when Diamond appeared to ‘rouse’ the chicks from their slumber, but for no apparent reason – no prey was available, but it was morning.  Video too long, but I’ve sent it to Scott.

Wake up, sleepheads!

I’ll be able to check for comments over the weekend and can start new thread if necessary, but cannot access images or recording software.



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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #95 on: October 30, 2017, 01:28 »
Update - First step to independence

Published 25 October, 2017 | By Cilla Kinross

Xavier brought in a starling this morning and just dropped it at the chicks’ feet.   Without much hesitation, the chicks grabbed it and split it (hard to see) and started eating. Then Marragaay took a few steps with his treasure away from Bali.

20171025 Marragaay with his prize

I have to go to Sydney tomorrow, but will try and do catch up in the morning before I go and will dropbox some videos for Scott to load to youtube before I go.     We’ve been talking about the streaming problems and will start looking for sponsor so we can upgrade.  I’m giving a talk to Rotary in a couple of weeks and they have always been supportive, so fingers crossed.


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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #94 on: October 24, 2017, 01:59 »
Update - Oh no, not starling aGAIN

Published 23 October, 2017 | By Cilla Kinross

There’s a clear pattern emerging here now that Diamond is doing more of the hunting (I’m assuming this because of her long absences and the fact that the bird is now often being brought in whole, even if plucked).  I don’t think there is much, if anything, in the stash at present.   Xavier catches starlings, and occasionally other passerines such as honeyeaters and the odd pigeon.  Diamond seems to turn up her nose at starlings and is mainly bringing in large parrots and pigeons.

Here Xavier has brought in a whole adult starling (for once, easy to identify with its bright yellow bill, shining coat and pink legs);  Diamond grabs it and takes off with it, as if to say, oh, no not Sturnus vulgaris again.  Actually she’s probably just taking it away to pluck.

This happened about 3 pm yesterday afternoon; I’ll hopefully catch up tomorrow.

It’s always good to get them all together.   You can just see the tail feathers coming through.   

Here he comes, sweeties, but oh no, it’s starling aGAIN.


If you check the above link you will find I’ve omitted a photo and a video.

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #93 on: October 24, 2017, 00:23 »
Update - Rainy day, late feed

Published 20 October, 2017 | By Cilla Kinross

We had a good (and much-needed) downpour last night, which gradually petered out during the day and the sky was almost pink again by the time I got to work this evening.

The consequence of this was a rather hungry morning, with no prey being brought in until nearly noon, when a very wet Diamond arrived with a welcome pigeon – introduced species based on the white feathers and pink legs and huge size.

A welcome pigeon for lunch

During the afternoon, more pigeons were brought in (or was it the same pigeon several times – I can’t be sure!).  At one time, Xavier brought in what I swear must have been Diamond’s pigeon (or what remained of it).  I don’t Xavier caught anything all day….. Eventually both chicks became extremely full and couldn’t cram any more in, so the parents got a feed as well.

Chicks are getting some juvenile plumage coming through and are a little more independent, although still sprawl together when sleeping.   And Marragaay has started feeding him/her self from the scraps in the box.  I always think of this as a bit of a milestone and start recording all times when they feed themselves, as opposed to just being fed.

The forecast promises to be fine for our landcare event this weekend, so I’ll probably not check in again until Monday.    Have a lovely weekend.


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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #92 on: October 24, 2017, 00:16 »
I just watched Cilla’s “20171019 Mr Creosote” video and it was very cute to see each chick take a turn at intently watching the other - probably trying to figure each other out! Marragaay was interested in learning to eat while Bali was more interested in wing exercising. :)

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #91 on: October 24, 2017, 00:02 »
Update - Well fed chicks getting adventurous

Published 19 October, 2017 | By Cilla Kinross

Although Marragaay is getting really well fed, Bali is not doing too badly – and at least he’s not eating himself sick.   Marragaay reminds me of Mr. Creosote in Monty Python’s The Meaning of Life (this might not mean much to the Americans, apologies) and I hope he doesn’t blow himself up.

At least one very well fed chick

After a few tentative steps a few days ago, the chicks (especially Bali – Marragaay can only roll about!) are starting to get a bit more adventurous, even creeping close to the ledge and Bali has been doing some wing-flapping.

Hello, what’s out there?

Neither Diamond nor Xavier is spending much time keeping the chicks warm now that the weather has improved, although there is quite a bit of rain forecast for today and tomorrow, which might change things and make it harder to get prey.

I’ve noticed that Diamond hardly ever brings in starlings, although she will feed them to the chicks if there’s nothing better.  Her preferences go to rosellas, galahs and other larger birds – she caught a red wattlebird yesterday (a large honeyeater).  The prey is getting easier to identify as there is less preparation now, but I’m still not sure what the large white bird was (feathers seen in top photos).   Possibly a sulphur-creasted cockatoo, which would be appropriate revenge for the orgies that the cockies sometimes hold in the box during winter, even chasing the male out of the box!

I’m tied up with full-day meetings, landcare etc. over the next three days and it will be difficult to keep you updated (and I’ll get horribly behind again).   And a lot changes in three days.  Unfortunately, I don’t have access to the software at home – it’s very restricted because of the tie-in with the university location and security situation.     Many thanks to other Scylla for helping out in this respect.   It’s very much appreciated.    Let’s hope the streaming cams don’t keep blacking out. so she can use her screen-capture software.     I assume that’s similar to what Arjen was using last year.


I haven't included the "Mr Creosote" video, but you can download it from the above link and check it out! I also haven’t included all photo content.

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #90 on: October 18, 2017, 17:56 »
Update - Family supper

Published 17 October, 2017 | By Cilla Kinross

Peace reigns in our falcon family.   Apologies to those fretting about our chicks – it was just overzealous feeding and a chuck-up, after all.  No nastiness at all (except chucking over your sibling’s back, which is a bit disgusting…)

Here we have a scene where Xavier had brought in a small prey after long drought and started feeding chicks.  Then Diamond trumped him with (I think) an eastern rosella.  She took over the feeding, so X started eating his remnants.  Then he thought he should help out, but Di nicked his prey and thwarted him!

Diamond takes over the evening feed with a superior prey

VIDEO   20171016 family supper

This happened last night.   I’m not making that mistake again (ie jumping ahead with no history or context)!   But I should catch up tomorrow.    Have to leave…Amadeus beckons.


You will find the short "family supper" video in the above link.

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #89 on: October 18, 2017, 17:20 »
Cilla provided a few comments explaining why she thought there was sibling aggression, so I felt it would be helpful to post them.

Cilla Kinross says:   
16 October, 2017 at 1:41 pm   

I’ve had messages from other falcon-watchers that it is quite common for one bird to vomit on another, so perhaps that’s all it was, but it was very blood-coloured vomit if that’s the case. It does seem odd that Bali didn’t resist or try and move away at all.

Cilla Kinross says:   
16 October, 2017 at 4:52 pm   

Mea culpa. This is why I normally don’t do updates until I’ve caught up; but that’s almost impossible at the moment.

Now I’ve had a chance to go through the afternoon recordings, I can see what has happened. At 1802, Diamond brought in a large, fat pigeon and stuffed this into the chicks, mostly Marragaay, Bali barely getting a look in, although Di had her back to us, so can’t be sure. THEN, just over 16 minutes later, Xavier brought in a starling bit and Di fed them again. That resulted just over 40 minutes feeding in under an hour.

They, or at least Marragaay, was so stuffed, he/she could barely sit. At 1905, five minutes after last feed finished, up it all came all over Bali’s back, and of course it looked just like blood because it was, just not Bali’s, thank goodness.

Cilla Kinross says:   
16 October, 2017 at 7:22 pm   

Now I’m not so sure again as I noticed a large mark on Bali’s back early this morning, which appears to be a wound with drying blood. Seems unlikely that M’s chuck-up would still be there!

Cilla Kinross says:   
17 October, 2017 at 5:22 pm   

Now all clear, so definitely a false alarm. I actually saw Diamond eat the vomit, disgusting girl. My apologies for misdiagnosis.


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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #88 on: October 18, 2017, 13:29 »
What happened to the  second baby in Melbourne?

On October 16, the chicks came out of their small nest box onto the ledge, where Mom continued to brood them, and both chicks were moving around. They were being fed and cared for.

By the following day, one of the chicks had become ill. He/she did not look well, and was having trouble opening the beak to be fed. Very sadly, the little one passed away yesterday. I am not sure of the cause, but it may have been Trichomoniasis, or possibly a toxin of some kind. In either of these cases, the second chick would also be at risk, but has appeared okay so far.

Mom has been sitting on the edge of the ledge, and has not been brooding the surviving chick when I have checked the cam.

I will update the Melbourne thread a bit later.

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #87 on: October 17, 2017, 23:35 »
What happened to the  second baby in Melbourne?

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #86 on: October 15, 2017, 17:33 »
I’m not about to draw any conclusions regarding Cilla's last post as it doesn’t provide sufficient information (in my opinion), so I’ll check back later.

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #85 on: October 15, 2017, 17:16 »
The chicks were snuggled together and sleeping before the screen froze at 0814 hrs and then went black.

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #84 on: October 15, 2017, 17:12 »
Update - Sibling aggression

Published 15 October, 2017 | By Cilla Kinross

I hope this doesn’t keep up.   The older chick Marragaay had real go at the younger one, Bali, with considerable blood loss.    I was just thinking how well they were doing.   I was trying to get up to date, but was only up to noon today, so I decided to fast forward so I could give you an update, when I saw this.

Bad blood between siblings

VIDEO   20171015 sibling agression

They are now cuddle up in the corner as if nothing has happened, but Bali is very quiet (but moving).    Mum is sitting on the ledge.   I haven’t observed this behaviour before in nine years, but it may not be unknown.  Bickering yes, but not drawing blood.   I’ll check and see how much much prey was brought in this afternoon tomorrow, but I’ve had it tonight.

The only other thing of note to happen is that it’s possible that a couple of bats were brought in as prey very early in the morning.  I can’t be sure as the images are not great.


I've omitted a video as well as a couple of pics which are similar to the first.

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #83 on: October 15, 2017, 11:58 »
Today is Saturday, Oct. 14 in Orange, and Diamond was feeding the chicks at 0648 hrs while Xavier was on his way out. I felt sorry for Xavier as he rarely gets a chance to feed (and has to cut it short when he does)! Poor guy, how's he supposed to become an expert with so little experience?
Just thinking that perhaps falcon dads aren't required to be experts at feeding, aside from cases where they're left to raise their young on their own. Hmm, are my thoughts on the right track or not? TPC? ???

Long answer for a short question ...  ;D

Do males have to be expert feeders?  I guess not, but your chicks will survive/thrive better if both parents are equally competent/capable and not just if one parent is lost.  If dad can help more with the chicks, then the workload can be more evenly shared and the burden on the adult birds is more manageable which helps them make it through the breeding season better, defend their nest/young, survive/thrive for another year.  Couple of examples -

T-Rex was an uber-daddy - he did everything and his mates had much less to do.  That might have suited some females, might not have suited others, but that was his thing - he incubated, hunted, fed, defended, taught, you name it he did it - and that was before we had webcams so he was probably even more uber than we know.  He had good success but not so many successful offspring - remember, success is not just to pass along your genes but for your young to successfully have young.  His son

Trey was a superstar in that he was an all rounder - defended, incubated, brooded, provided, put up with Princess somewhat dictatorial ways and was a demon for keeping his nestbox clean.  And his kids with Princess are our most successful to date - Alley, Radisson, Ivy, Hurricane. 

Next came Ivy, Trey's son, not much defence required, Princess is pretty dominant by this point, but eager to do whatever was necessary.  Defended well when needed, good child care again when needed - both because Princess at this point was more in charge than she had been with Trey.  Ivy was not much of a cleaner but enough of one that given the sheer volume of food that kid brought in for every meal, those chicks should have been swimming in feathers (bit like Radisson & Chase some years in Edmonton!).  Ivy's kids never finished the meals he brought in, they burped and waddled away to nap and Princess took care of the leftovers.  Defence, chick-care were as Princess allowed, the hunting was his thing and he was as much a rockstar at that as was T-Rex as carer and Trey as an all-rounder.  The result?  We have some of Ivy's kids turning up on territories like his father and grandfather. 

Pip is the latest in the line, he's a great-great-grandson of T-Rex (T-Rex, Trey, Ivy, Hart, Pip) and I hope he returns and we see at least one more year with Princess, interesting dynamic there.  She is much more laid back with him and he's a very quick study though if he has Trey's cleaning gene it has manifested itself yet.  For the rest though, he looks more like an all-rounder like Trey than a hunting machine like Ivy or uber-stay-at-home dad like T-Rex, but one year makes it tough to tell yet.

So, does a male peregrine need to be an expert feeder?  No but it sure helps.  Can you tell after one season if a bird will be uber/super? Not always.  Some birds are naturals, some just need practice, some need to be more confident in what they are doing which takes time and some take their lead from their partners if they have the experience they lack - never underestimate the power of having a) a teacher, b) a really good teacher.

Just my buck & a quarter (inflation don't ya know)

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #82 on: October 14, 2017, 16:10 »
Alison, I’m very sorry to hear that you’re not able to view the cams or follow the site, but I’m hoping this will somehow improve for you.

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #81 on: October 14, 2017, 16:09 »
I see a feed is happening at 0804 hrs!

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #80 on: October 14, 2017, 15:54 »
On Sunday morning at 0619 hrs AEDT in Orange, NSW, Diamond was looking out from the ledge and probably hoping for a food delivery. The temperature was 8.1°C and expected to reach a high of 20°C. Diamond was no longer in the nest box at 0643 hrs, and the chicks were sleeping. At 0737 hrs a parent made a brief stop ... and currently, the chicks are alone. Hopefully they enjoy the day, but I won’t be able to keep a close watch on them.

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #79 on: October 13, 2017, 20:26 »
Thank you for the updates, Burdi. The cams on the site no longer work from where I am, nor does the information page. Obviously they do work in some locations. Unless there is a major upgrade to the site, I don't think I will be able to see the live stream again.

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #78 on: October 13, 2017, 19:22 »
Today is Saturday, Oct. 14 in Orange, and Diamond was feeding the chicks at 0648 hrs while Xavier was on his way out. I felt sorry for Xavier as he rarely gets a chance to feed (and has to cut it short when he does)! Poor guy, how's he supposed to become an expert with so little experience?
Just thinking that perhaps falcon dads aren't required to be experts at feeding, aside from cases where they're left to raise their young on their own. Hmm, are my thoughts on the right track or not? TPC? ???

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #77 on: October 13, 2017, 19:02 »
Aww, the chicks were being so cute while they interacted with each other (for a least 5 minutes) but needed some rest again at 1010 hrs. ;D

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #76 on: October 13, 2017, 16:37 »
Today is Saturday, Oct. 14 in Orange, and Diamond was feeding the chicks at 0648 hrs while Xavier was on his way out. I felt sorry for Xavier as he rarely gets a chance to feed (and has to cut it short when he does)! Poor guy, how's he supposed to become an expert with so little experience?

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #75 on: October 13, 2017, 04:03 »
Cilla added a couple of comments.

Cilla Kinross says:   
13 October, 2017 at 6:19 pm   

Working my way slowly through the last three days, a couple of things came to my notice. Xavier brought in what I’m pretty sure was a silvereye – a tiny green bird with white eye ring, which was quite visible. This was demolished in 4 minutes, whereas most feeds are lasting 10-20 minutes. So just a snack.

Also Diamond was absent for two and a half hours late on 10th October and came back, triumphantly (?) with a rosella. Supports my theory that she doesn’t really like starlings!

And, during this absence, Xavier roughly plucked and fed a starling to the youngsters in a start-stop procedure, rather than full preparation prior to commencement.

Cilla Kinross says:   
13 October, 2017 at 6:47 pm   

NAMES. What about ‘Marragaay’ (first born) for the big one and Bali (baby)?

Or ‘Mudyi’ (friend)

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #74 on: October 13, 2017, 03:32 »
Update - 11 days old. Plus news from Melbourne.

Published 13 October, 2017 | By Cilla Kinross

Such gorgeous beasties!   Actually, this is  not their most endearing phase.   But they are both putting on weight and looking healthy.   Here they are with Diamond (well, her tail) just after a feed.

Well, that wasn’t bad for a snack!

I’ve noticed that absences from the nest by adults have got longer.  We did have some rain, which might have meant longer hunting hours, although food still came in regularly.   Some starling and also some parrots.    The nights were starting to get warmer, although last night went down to 3 degrees, which is a bit chilly for the wee ones.

Have you found the website in Melbourne yet?  it’s called and features a pair of peregrines nesting right in the heart of the city.  Their chicks are a bit advanced on ours.    I’ll be looking into what type of research they are doing and seeing if there are opportunities for collaboration.


You can find a video and another cute pic in the link above.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2017, 03:35 by burdi »

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #73 on: October 12, 2017, 02:44 »
On October 12 - Australian Eastern Daylight Time (AEDT) - at approximately 0730 hrs the temperature was 10.3°C - with a humidity of 99%. It was a rather foggy morning (looking out from the nest box). Diamond was feeding her chicks at the time, and when she finished I suddenly noticed that the chicks no longer looked like fluffy slippers! How could they change so fast? They’re huge now!

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #72 on: October 10, 2017, 03:20 »
Earlier in the morning, on Oct.10 at 0921 hrs in Orange, NSW, Diamond was busy feeding her chicks (though I just caught the end of the feed). Unfortunately, this family was being bothered again by those large flies - or whatever they are! Perhaps Cilla will be able to identify them (as she is familiar with the area), and hopefully she’ll let us know. Diamond also spent some time picking at stones (and probably bugs) while she wandered around the nest. Both chicks were asleep at the time, and the temperature was a comfortable 16.4°C. Later, at 1003 hrs, Diamond was back with her chicks, but the cams went down soon after. It is currently 1920 hrs and they are settling in for the night.

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #71 on: October 09, 2017, 14:57 »
Xavier brought breakfast at 0613 hrs but quickly left with it -  I think he wanted Diamond to follow him? Yes, I guess he did, as Diamond was feeding the chicks at 0638 hrs. I didn’t see her come in, but the food disappeared fast - so she probably returned with the right sized piece. Nice teamwork!

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #70 on: October 09, 2017, 01:31 »
In Canada, today is Thanksgiving Day. This wonderful peregrine family in Australia still has so much to be thankful for, and so do we!

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #69 on: October 08, 2017, 23:55 »
Today is Monday, October 9 in Orange. There have been periods of fog for the past couple of days (very foggy yesterday at 1425 hrs), and today the forecast shows that a thunderstorm is possible. This morning, Diamond fed her healthy looking chicks at 0722 hrs, and the temperature at that time was 13.5°C, with an expected high of 22°C. I checked the cam again at 0742 hrs and the view was frozen with Diamond and her chicks resting comfortably. The egg is no longer with them as Diamond had removed it from the nest yesterday morning, which has now been confirmed by Cilla.

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #68 on: October 08, 2017, 22:43 »
Update - Vale egg # 3

Published 9 October, 2017 | By Cilla Kinross

I’m just back from Sydney and will take several days to catch up, but I can confirm that on 8th October at 0739 h,  Diamond picked up egg, took it the ledge, possibly opened the shell a bit more, then took it as if to feed to the chicks; thought better of it (and the chicks did not show much interest), spent a bit of time at the ledge (perhaps eating, but her back was turned), then took off with it.

I have made videos, but it doesn’t matter how short I make them, I’m informed that they are too large.   I’ll  get Scott to make a youtube when he returns.


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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #67 on: October 08, 2017, 17:04 »
I watched the Clumsy Xav video in the October 6 update by Cilla, and I saw Xavier stumble over the poor chicks! But I still think he’s doing a great job. He probably just became a little too excited with his opportunity to feed the chicks - and felt that he needed to hurry it up - before Diamond returned! ;D

I wouldn't worry about "clumsy" Xav - Princess and Joli both stomped all over their chicks this year while I was watching and no body took any harm.  Keep in mind that the chicks are very small and in a hollow and the adults are big but light and it can't be easy to crouch over your chicks for hours at a time.  So it may be Xav's first year and he's just getting the hang of things but even the pros do it even after all their years of practice!!

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #66 on: October 07, 2017, 17:41 »
I watched the Clumsy Xav video in the October 6 update by Cilla, and I saw Xavier stumble over the poor chicks! But I still think he’s doing a great job. He probably just became a little too excited with his opportunity to feed the chicks - and felt that he needed to hurry it up - before Diamond returned! ;D

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #65 on: October 07, 2017, 17:09 »
Poor little unhatched chick. :'(

Cilla has previously mentioned the very detailed records she keeps on this nest site; however, I don't recall any mention of whether or not she managed to detect peeps from the unhatched chick. I’m thinking about those times when Diamond appeared very excited while she closely watched her remaining egg - as though she was listening to it. I assume Cilla didn’t hear anything, but if she or anyone else did hear peeps from that chick, I’m wondering when they were heard and when they trailed off? I’m not really expecting an answer, and we’ll likely never know exactly what prevented that chick from hatching, but having sound just might have helped to tell us a little bit more about the situation as it progressed.

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #64 on: October 07, 2017, 03:03 »
Well, the season isn’t over yet, so perhaps someone will provide us with a schedule of expected streaming times. ;D

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #63 on: October 07, 2017, 02:41 »
Update - Project systems maxed out

Published 7 October, 2017 | By Scott Banks

Apologies to all for the streaming difficulties – the server is maxing out and running for most of the day right now at its peak. Every so often the server may hang, but the streaming app restarts every hour at the moment, and every 12 hours the computer itself reboots, so if the vision hangs, or won’t show up, give it an hour or so and hopefully it will come right again. It doesn’t help that I’ve ducked out of the country for just a couple of days either!

BIG changes to come for the off-season, with tests on new streaming capabilities. There have been plenty of suggestions but most of them require big financial investment and infrastructure which we don’t have yet. Lots of homework to do, but as long as Diamond doesn’t realise any of this is happening all will be well in the long run.


Thank you for updating us from afar, Scott; good luck with the changes you have in mind!

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #62 on: October 06, 2017, 16:32 »
Live streaming problems continue to make it difficult for many people trying to follow this site (often on and off or out of sync), and it’s difficult to make sense of what is happening when the cams fall out of sync.

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #61 on: October 06, 2017, 16:30 »
And now the cams are down again! Hopefully someone there will soon find a fix.

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #60 on: October 06, 2017, 15:53 »
Update - But so clumsy!

Published 6 October, 2017 | By Cilla Kinross

That Xavier might be getting better at feeding, but he needs to watch his feet!  He also needs to prepare the prey better as this was a very rough pluck, which to his credit, he realised, and hence the hasty exit.   Macropus = large feet, which is the name of the primary Australian subspecies.

Plenty of food coming in, sometimes rejected (does Diamond prefer parrots to starling…?  .mm, not sure, she certainly takes anything if hungry).   Hard to keep track of whether the food is fresh or stashed – important as I don’t want to count double prey.   Stash in previous years has normally been in the box, but rarely this year.

I have to leave for Sydney in three hours, so unless something dramatic happens (eg resurrection), I’ll sign off for a  few days.   I don’t have the recording software when I’m away for the office, but might be able to answer queries.   I can also put up new thread if this one gets too long.    There is at least wifi at the venue at Uni Sydney.

These birds are not called ‘macropus’ for nothing!

VIDEO  20171006 Clumsy Xav short


Check the above link for a video by Cilla.

Currently, the cams are both working!

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #59 on: October 05, 2017, 11:23 »
As of 1120h CST (Wpg) / 0322h in NSW - all quiet in the nestbox.  I'm going to assume it is Diamond on the chicks in the top corner of the image .  She's not tight down on them so I'm going to assume it is warm right now in NSW.  Diamond has her head over shoulder and tucked under the top of her wing.  She's seems to not be disturbed/perturbed in the least.  Lots of feathers in the nest box so going to assume dinner for the chicks went well.

Offline Alison

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #58 on: October 05, 2017, 10:21 »
From where I am located, the Orange site has been pretty much down since late last night. Neither camera will load; only a black rectangle for each. The information page gives either "Can't be loaded" or "Cannot find server", depending on which browser is used.

I keep wondering what is happening with the third chick, who appeared to be stuck in the shell as of yesterday. I hope Diamond, Xavier or a human will provide some assistance for this little one.

Offline burdi

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #57 on: October 05, 2017, 05:49 »
Update - Xavier is learning, I think

Published 5 October, 2017 | By Cilla Kinross

Xavier is clearly somewhat bemused by the notion of feeding the chicks.    Diamond feeds the older chick until it falls over full, then the little one gets fed.  That makes sense as it ensures at least one chick survives during hard times.  But Xavier hasn’t quite got it.  I think he is rather hoping that both chicks and egg will take the food if he just leaves it near them!   Last year, he wouldn’t go near the chicks, except to trip over them occasionally, so it’s an improvement.

Xavier gets closer, but no food actually makes it where it needs to be!

VIDEO  20171005 X almost feeding chicks

Not much change with egg3, but I’ll keep an eye on it.



I didn't include the video "20171005 X almost feeding chicks", but you can find it in the link above. Anyhow, after watching the video my impression was that Xavier did very well with the feeding! Hmm ... well, I am pretty tired, so maybe I’ll try watching it again another day.

Offline burdi

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #56 on: October 05, 2017, 04:27 »
Update - Two down, one to go

Published 4 October, 2017 | By Cilla Kinross

Thanks for all your updates, videos and alerts. As usual I’m struggling to keep up with you.    I’ve been kept busy trying to record all the comings and goings and identify all the weird and wonderful lumps of food coming into the nest, including one with long red legs that I suspect is a water bird.  Others have included the usual starlings and possible rosellas and pigeons.  Very few whole birds, alas, making identification very difficult.  I’m thinking of simply categorising by size, using some type of image enhancer that will help with measurements of the body (assuming I have that, at least!).

I’ve read various estimates of incubation, worldwide:  26-32 days, 28-33 days;   Australia:  average of 33 days.    If we assume incubation started within a day of each egg being lain, as it did, then the first two took 35-36 days, which is already well beyond normal, but as Ingrid pointed out, it was the same as last year.   Perhaps Australian birds are slower cookers.  If no. 3 hatches tonight, it will be about the same time, assuming this egg was the last one lain (that was a little late, too).   And if the worst comes to worst, two is better than one and certainly better than none.

It does seem as if both Xavier and Diamond are trying to help the chick out, but I’m not sure if I’m reading too much into this.  Xavier was having a good peck!   He could just be hungry….sorry!

Xavier tries to ‘free’ chick?

VIDEO 20171004 X helping pip short

And then Diamond has a go.

Diamond’s turn

VIDEO 20171004 Di rolls egg short

By chance they have the same position in the box, so it gives you a good idea of the size difference.

I also have  a nice shot of the family.

Xavier greets 2nd chick

VIDEO  20171003 X meets 2nd chick

Scott is away for the next week or so.   I am around all of October apart from two weekends in Sydney, including the coming one, that I can’t get out of and means I shall get even further behind.  Thank goodness, at least the storage of video is working well at the moment.  In fact, I can go back over a month if I need to.

I’ll need to go soon, so will hand over to the night shift. Diamond hasn’t let me see the egg with its large crack for an hour or so, but maybe you’ll have better luck.


I've omitted the three videos as well as three of the pics, but you can find them in the link above.

Offline burdi

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #55 on: October 04, 2017, 20:28 »
I’m still not able to clearly see what is going on with the overdue remaining egg, though (from what I’ve managed to see today) I’m thinking that much of the movement we’re seeing is simply from a small fluffy feather stuck near the opening....     

Offline burdi

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #54 on: October 04, 2017, 20:23 »
Thank you for all the info, Alison.

Offline Alison

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #53 on: October 04, 2017, 15:58 »
A few minutes ago:

I hope the third little one will be able to finish hatching successfully.

Offline Alison

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #52 on: October 04, 2017, 15:55 »
Diamond was feeding the chicks around 0639 hrs when the last remaining egg was displayed for a while - with a good size pip! I zoomed in and there appeared to be some movement inside the hole - but definitely not clear. Hmm, saw the hole again at 0757 hrs - so will see what happens later.

Thanks for the good information, burdi!

Pics from earlier; still two chicks and one unhatched egg.


Offline burdi

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #51 on: October 03, 2017, 16:56 »
Diamond was feeding the chicks around 0639 hrs when the last remaining egg was displayed for a while - with a good size pip! I zoomed in and there appeared to be some movement inside the hole - but definitely not clear. Hmm, saw the hole again at 0757 hrs - so will see what happens later.

Offline Alison

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #50 on: October 03, 2017, 11:24 »
I’m glad you were able to catch the second hatch, Alison, and it’s nice to see your pics of this family; the chicks are adorable!

Hi burdi,

Glad to see you too are following the Orange falcon family.

This was the next feed; once again, Xavier delivered food to Diamond. Until the chicks started to hatch, I had not seen him bring any food for some time, although he would incubate.



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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #49 on: October 03, 2017, 05:47 »
Ah, now that is nice to see on a wet cold day in Winnipeg when I can only find one peregrine perch on a sign downtown and you can almost see her thinking it is time to leave for warm climes ....
Yes, we’re lucky to be able to see other falcons and their chicks, especially when our falcon season is ending ... though lately I’ve not been able to keep as close a watch on the cams as I’d like. But I watch when I can and have never tired from that beautiful view of their trees.

Offline burdi

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #48 on: October 03, 2017, 04:27 »
I’m glad you were able to catch the second hatch, Alison, and it’s nice to see your pics of this family; the chicks are adorable!

Offline burdi

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #47 on: October 03, 2017, 03:44 »
Update - First 2017-hatched peregrine chick video montage

Published 2 October, 2017 | By Scott Banks

In a short space of time, and very hastily compiled, I’ve put together a 35-minute long video of the most interesting moments in the first hatchling’s first day for all to watch. From just an egg at one moment, to a beautiful, furry little bobble-head the next there’s new life up in the peregrine eyrie:

First hatchling for the 2017 season video clip (with audio where available)

We’re hoping for the best for the other 2 eggs now. It wasn’t an easy time for No.1 either as Diamond insisted on prioritising warmth over egg egress, constantly sitting over the chick while it struggled with the eggshell, but all’s well and the first feeds have already been witnessed. Xavier visited the maternity ward fairly quickly after the event and is proving to be very supportive.


What a nice video by Scott Banks!

Thank you, Scott.

Offline burdi

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #46 on: October 03, 2017, 03:10 »
Update - Feeding gets going

Published 2 October, 2017 | By Cilla Kinross

Omelette (for want of a better name) has had three good feeds today, one between 6 and 7 am, lunch at noon and afternoon tea just now.

Mostly starling, but another unidentified.   Xavier seems a bit erratic with his food bringing, clearly sometimes allowing Diamond to fetch from a stash outside.  But he was the same last year and they muddle through okay.

And he has begun to brood the chicks, albeit for only short times.

We had an interesting visitor today – a Nankeen Kestrel, who landed briefly on the ledge outside the box, but took off quickly.  Diamond raised her head, and gave the kestrel a Julie Bishop (our foreign minister) death stare, but otherwise wasn’t bothered.

Nice hollow….perhaps not!

Touch wood no. two hatches tonight.


Lots of pics and three videos can be found in the above link.

Offline Alison

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #45 on: October 02, 2017, 23:53 »
The first chick had a good feed; the tiny new hatchling was trying to sit up by the end of the feeding.



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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #44 on: October 02, 2017, 23:47 »
The second chick has hatched. Dad Xavier came in to see his brand new chick, and brought food.


Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #43 on: October 02, 2017, 11:21 »
Ah, now that is nice to see on a wet cold day in Winnipeg when I can only find one peregrine perch on a sign downtown and you can almost see her thinking it is time to leave for warm climes ....

Offline burdi

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #42 on: October 01, 2017, 14:18 »
Update - Signs of life, 1st chick appears

Published 1 October, 2017 | By Cilla Kinross

At about 1600 h, a largish hole appeared in one of the eggs (which had been showing signs of cracking for some time), and the hatching commenced about 1700

hatching gets started

with the first appearance of the chick at 1803 h (6 pm for the Americans!).

As you’ve all seen, there is a sizeable hole in a second egg, so I expect something to happen tonight.   I will try and get in tomorrow afternoon, but have commitment in the morning, so I’ll hand over to the night shift!

Good luck and good night to Diamond and all her followers.


You can find more pics and a nice video in the link above.

Offline burdi

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #41 on: October 01, 2017, 11:34 »
Update by Cilla Kinross, October 1

Pip hole, finally

Just got to work.  Thanks for all the alerts.   I tried to keep a half an eye out at home while doing chores, but kept getting distracted.

At 1411.37 pm there was a change-over (with prey) and an obvious crack in the egg.   And about time, too.

At 1610-11 I got some shots of this obvious pip-hole in the egg, with what looks like a bit of the chick inside.

Hello, world

Once chick emerges, I’ll put up a video and start a new thread with it.   Fingers crossed, all goods smoothly.


Offline burdi

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #40 on: October 01, 2017, 02:56 »
We now have a hatch! I don’t know the exact minute of arrival but saw half a shell at 1754 hrs, so shortly before. I also saw the chick clearly visible and moving at 1809 hrs and again at 1816 hrs. Congratulations to Xavier and Diamond!
« Last Edit: October 01, 2017, 12:08 by burdi »

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #39 on: September 30, 2017, 21:30 »
I thought Diamond was eating some eggshell earlier, but she wasn’t, and when Xavier came in to take over there were still three eggs. Diamond returned from her break at 1447 hrs, and I see something light coloured sitting near the back wall (which was probably what I saw her playing with earlier ::)).
« Last Edit: October 01, 2017, 12:18 by burdi »

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #38 on: September 30, 2017, 06:17 »
Update by Cilla Kinross, September 29

New thread for new life, we hope

Still no sign of chicks, but I have to go home now,  so I guess you’ll beat me to it as I probably won’t be in work until Sunday or Monday (the uni is closed Monday for public holiday, but I’ll probably be around). I have to organise a landcare event tomorrow, Saturday, which means clearing out my garage for starters.  (yuk).    I can post messages from home, but can’t add photos or videos.

Here is some interaction over a meagre prey offering.  Male (Xavier) is on your right.

A starling head…well, it will have to do!

So, anyway here is new thread, to avoid getting too cluttered.    Fingers crossed.   She’s fast asleep as I’m writing.

Have a lovely weekend.


Offline burdi

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #37 on: September 29, 2017, 02:33 »
Update by Cilla Kinross, September 28

Signs of impatience

This is the picture of the eggs showing a small hole (in far egg).  It might be rather difficult to see at this scale (and it might be just a trick of the light, or my fertile imagination).  This was yesterday afternoon, which made me assume hatching would happen last night, but I was wrong.   Serious incubation started on 28th August, so hatching should be 26 Sept – 1 October.

As Deborah pointed out last night, Diamond is showing signs of impatience for her chicks to hatch. treating the eggs like skittles.   Last night the average time spent turning, stretching and egg rolling was 6.5 minutes (it’s usually about 1.5).   So pretty restless, although it was quite a warm night last night (and some light rain).    Here she is apparently trying to initiate some action.

Time to face the world!


Offline burdi

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #36 on: September 27, 2017, 08:15 »
Update by Cilla Kinross, September 26

Not long now

In the lead up to the hatching, we had an interesting visit from another peregrine this morning.  Interesting to watch both Xavier and Diamond’s reaction:

Strange peregrine flypast

There has been very little prey brought in – just a starling top half two days ago.  I still haven’t found the stash, but I’ve asked some workers to keep an eye out for me as they are working in the gardens where the birds often roost.  I think it might be in the very far trees, however as I’ve seen Diamond sail right over the close trees.

Xavier has been keeping up his incubation duties – sometimes several hours at a time – quite different from Bula or Beau.  Here he is perhaps startled by something and makes a rather clumsy exit.   Did he hear a peep?.   Sorry, video not behaving itself.

Incidentally, I’ll have to ask Scott about sound.  I have it on the Milestone recording software, which I can watch live, so I don’t know why it’s not coming through on the live streaming.

Xavier jumps off the eggs with alacrity!


Check the above link for more pics and two great videos!

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #35 on: September 27, 2017, 07:54 »
Update by Scott Banks, September 25

Streaming headaches

Apologies to all for the problems we’ve faced with the streaming server. After some extensive testing and adjustment it appears it’s being held ransom by a couple of issues. One is the load on the server at the moment; it’s enormous and occasionally hangs or stops the server app (i.e. the software) completely. Most of the time the auto-restart of the streaming app every 60 mins fixes the problem, but sometimes the server computer (i.e. the hardware) itself may hit a snag too; it’s currently set to reboot itself every 12 hours but we can adjust as necessary. The actual server computer itself, along with the Windows 7 image on top of it, is part of the Charles Sturt University network & policies, and this can cause us headaches as over time minor elements such as security & corporate policy changes can make hidden adjustments to the running of the computer itself, without us ever knowing. For instance it appears that the streaming server system policy had quietly changed a week or three back to turn the hard drives off after 30 minutes of no activity. Which means our streams just stopped, and the computer hibernated!! Problem solved at midnight Sunday when the setting was discovered and a new power policy was implemented to “never” turn any hardware off, and increase the performance to “maximum”. It’s hoped that we’ll be able to administer our own system policy on the server shortly.

We spent a couple of years trying to automate all our processes so we didn’t need to be on-site for every action. Over a long period of time now, and in general, that automation has been spectacularly successful, For example, common campus power outages are overcome by auto-rebooting all our hardware (switches, cameras, servers etc) once power returns. Touch-wood these custom tweaks will continue to give us good up-time in the future. But in peak viewing season (right now!) our older equipment is under huge strain. We have plans in place to upgrade hardware and software but it will take time to test/purchase improvements, along with required additional funding (of which we’d like to warmly thank our recent supporters for their extremely generous donations, which go a long way to our objectives; many thanks!).

We’re also looking at some upgrades to website features, such as implementing a true discussion forum soon to allow viewers and supporters to discuss points without resorting to the less friendly  comments system!

Bear with us – it’s on the improve, and especially right now while we await the hopeful hatchings of three healthy new bobble-heads!

Scott (FalconCam Project)


I believe we’re in good hands with Scott and the FalconCam Project; however, every so often in life we’re reminded that you can't always get what you want - but if you try, sometimes, you just might find - you get what you need! (The Rolling Stones sang it well.) :)

Anyhow, I love this site, and I wish them success with their improvement plans!

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #34 on: September 22, 2017, 16:34 »
I really enjoyed the first egg of 2017 video (with sound!) by Cilla Kinross. :)

Xavier had been watching Diamond most attentively, and as soon as that first egg arrived he had so much to say! I’m still hoping CSU will eventually find a fix so we will also hear those very special sounds on their live cams.

Video of first egg laying can be found in the August 28th update.

Nice capture of the moment with Xavier in attendance ♥

by Cilla Kinross

Thank you, Cilla.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2017, 23:49 by burdi »

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #33 on: September 22, 2017, 15:52 »
Update by Cilla Kinross, September 22

Up and down

Everything seems to be working at present from my end, although I understand there are still live streaming problems.  I’ve contacted Scott about this.    In the box, all is going smoothly and I’m hoping to have some hatching by 25-28th September, which I can record if all the necessary equipment is functioning smoothly.   Xavier did bring in some (unidentifiable) prey today, which is a good sign.

Many thanks for all the photos and videos.   No need to send more photos at present, but long low resolution videos from between 1300 h on 18th September to noon on 21st would be welcome so I can fill in some gaps.   If there is a website where these are stored, please point me in the right direction.  Don’t try and email them.

I just went through the volunteer’s work from the time I was in Brisbane and found this photo of Xavier with the eggs that I couldn’t resist.  Such a good boy.

Proud father

There’s going to be a university wide power outage tomorrow morning, so I wouldn’t be surprised if the system is down all weekend.   Hopefully it will be up again before H day (possibly Monday).

Have  a lovely weekend.   Cilla


Click on the above link to check for further photos or videos. Videos from Cilla are usually in AVI format, but they download quickly and should play in Windows Media Player (or whatever player you prefer for AVI).

Live streaming problems still continue - on and off and on and off and … sure hope they manage to fix the problem before hatching!

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #32 on: September 20, 2017, 15:47 »
Cilla Kinross says:
20 September, 2017 at 2:08 pm      

I should add that, even if I had the time, I don’t have access to the live webcams either (which I’m assuming are working okay), so am quite blind to the behaviour in the nest. In theory, I could record comings and goings in the field, but just don’t have time. as this would mean sitting outside 24/7!


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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #31 on: September 20, 2017, 15:20 »
Update by Cilla Kinross, September 20

Both cams gone now

We have a major technical hitch, unfortunately.  Scott is working on it, but I don’t know when we will get recording back up again as there doesn’t appear to be a simple solution.  So keep your photos and comments coming, if it is not too much trouble.   I have to admit that I’m not sure at this stage how useful they will be.  When it was just the ledge cam out, it was wonderful as your photos confirmed my assumptions, but now with both out, it will be very patchy as I record the duration of all  behaviour of both birds in minutes (and half minutes), not just when things happen.    Happy for suggestions for new solutions.  I believe there is a program that records screen shots every few minutes or similar, which I’ll look into.

Chicks are due to hatch 25-28th September……so not that long, now.

Thanks so much for all your help.




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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #30 on: September 19, 2017, 01:29 »
Update by Cilla Kinross, September 17

Ledge cam out

The ledge camera still seems to be working live, but I’m not getting any recordings, so I have a favour to ask.   If you have any sightings of either bird sitting on the LEDGE between  0400 h on 16th September till now (well, until we can get it fixed), I would very much appreciate it.   Most of the important data are still being captured fine by the nest camera, but as Xavier often sits on the ledge while Diamond is incubating, I’m missing these data unless I can see his tail.   If I can get spot sightings, I can probably be safe making assumptions about his presence/absence.

I was getting a bit worried about the lack of food prey coming in, but clearly Xavier is a modern peregrine, which thinks the female should do her share of hunting!   She sometimes comes back from quite long absences with blood on claws, pretty good evidence of hunting (although the off site stash is still an option).   She clearly was not that hungry on the 15th as she lay next to a stashed starling for some time, as did Xavier – see photo. Most prey has been starling or pigeon and X still seems to think that the eggs can eat the prey.  That bodes well for him sharing feeding duties when the chicks emerge.

I’ve noticed that Xavier also spends quite a bit of time relaxing on the ledge, while Diamond is incubating (but not the other way around).  This behaviour is peculiar to this pair.   And he also is spending considerable time incubating and is quite comfortable doing this.   Certainly neither Bula or Beau, our two previous boys, were that competent in that department – often being quite clumsy and wanting to quit soon after settling.  And the previous female, Swift did not do any hunting to my knowledge once eggs has been lain until much later.  She had short breaks and chased the boys out as soon as possible (that’s if there were still there!).    Mind you, she was an old girl and in her later years spent much time sleeping in the box, even in the day time.

Cheers  Cilla


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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #29 on: September 09, 2017, 03:46 »
Scott replaced the infrared illuminator and included a photo of it in this latest update.

Night light is in

Published 9 September, 2017 | By Scott Banks

The new infrared illuminator went in this afternoon. It was fairly straightfoward, although Diamond was put out with the disturbance. She came back after about 10 minutes though. The old illuminator had 12 LEDs but this new unit has 48 so we’re hoping it’s not going to be too bright. Darkness will tell, shortly now as I write. If it’s too bright we may be able to cover part of the illuminator to cut it down. Time will tell but this should give us overnight coverage again.

[ IR illuminator works! That’s good quality night vision but we might try to cover a few LEDs to cut the light down a little… Scott ]
« Last Edit: September 09, 2017, 15:13 by burdi »

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #28 on: September 09, 2017, 00:30 »
Not an odd fellow at all - all our males do this to a greater/lesser degree.  Even young Pip learned the trick early on.  ;D. Ivy also used to bring in twice as much food as the chicks needed and as they were dropping into food comas Princess would leave with the leftovers to eat elsewhere.

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #27 on: September 08, 2017, 18:08 »
Update Published 8 September, 2017 | By Cilla Kinross

Good boy, or odd chap?

Got back from Brisbane late Tuesday and just catching up with our pair.   I’ve noticed that Xavier has stopped bringing in much food and is keen to help out with the incubation (something previous males were not that keen to do usually, especially with three eggs).  He even arrived at one time having clearly just made a kill, with blood on his feet.  That seems a bit cheeky, or is he stashing the prey for Diamond (see below)?

And he’s hanging about waiting for her to move so he can take over (at least I assume that’s what he’s up to….)….often he’s reluctant to move when she returns from her excursion.   He seems very comfortable and is usually not having problems settling over the three eggs and on one occasion he stayed almost motionless incubating for four hours while Diamond was off gallivanting about, presumably hunting for herself.

On one occasion, Diamond left with a prey (starling) that Xavier did bring – she then returned in four minutes minus prey.  That’s odd.  She can’t have plucked and eaten it in that time, so I can only assume it was either stashed in a tree or she dropped it and couldn’t find it.  It was early in the morning so she must have been hungry.   I’m going to try and find some time next week to have a look around the park as I think there must be a stash in the trees.  It will be a bit like the proverbial needle unless I get lucky.    Usually they use the box, but Xavier has seemed reluctant to do this.

The night light has arrived, but needs some mechanical adjustment as the stalk is too short.  Scott is working on this and we should have light at night again early next week.


Photos and videos can be found in the above link.

Offline burdi

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #26 on: September 08, 2017, 17:42 »
Cilla also wonders if Xavier has been stashing his food and will try to have a look around the park. Hope she’s able to spot something!

This morning, Xavier took over incubation at 0722 hrs, but they’ve switched again since then (which I didn’t see), and Diamond is currently on the eggs.

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #25 on: September 07, 2017, 21:11 »
Update Published 8 September, 2017 | By Scott Banks

Night lighting progress

The good news is the new infrared illuminator has finally arrived, but the bad news is we can’t fit it until this weekend. A climb was attempted yesterday to check unit mounting etc and the current hole, where the 10 year old camera sits, is too high for the new IR unit, so a higher block needs to be built, and for the sake of speed and choreography a g-clamp will be used to fit the IR unit block to the ledge. Diamond seemed little phased yesterday with the deliberately planned noise behind the box but refused to leave her post. We have a piece of board that can go across the open camera hole while swapping the units across, so she’ll definitely hear us but will be spared the horror of seeing our human faces!
Hopefully tomorrow, Saturday, will see the IR unit fitted and working, and then we wait for night to see whether it’s too bright or not bright enough. It can shine to 20 metres in the darkness so we may melt the peregrines! Apologies to Diamond for the disturbance but it will be necessary, and apologies to our viewers. The two HD cameras can handle around .0001 lux (which is VERY, very dark) but the box isn’t lit by any ambient light at all so an IR unit is necessary.

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #24 on: September 07, 2017, 18:40 »
Xavier returned at 0925 hrs! I didn’t see any food, though I do suspect a cache. Hopefully Cilla will soon have an update for us.

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #23 on: September 07, 2017, 17:57 »
Diamond was incubating at 0555 hrs this morning, but when I looked again , at 0642 hrs, Xavier was incubating. Then at 0651 hrs Diamond was back! I don’t know if any food came in, though Xavier might be leaving it in a cache at times. Hmm, Xavier showed up again at 0819 hrs (but only stayed a minute), and Diamond did not get up … she’s still on the eggs right now.

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #22 on: September 05, 2017, 17:43 »
The temperature in Orange was 2.2°C when I saw a change of shift at 0634 hrs and suspected Diamond was returning from a short break. Currently, Xavier is on the eggs. (I’ve had little chance to keep a close eye on them.)

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #21 on: September 02, 2017, 02:50 »
Still three eggs:

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #20 on: September 02, 2017, 02:44 »
Thanks for the  update, burdi!



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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #19 on: September 01, 2017, 19:36 »

This morning at 0825 hrs, Diamond quickly jumped up and flew off. I think she might have seen Xavier with prey, as Xavier was sitting on the eggs when I changed cams. Later, at 0903 hrs, Diamond took over incubation, and she’s currently still there.

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #18 on: August 31, 2017, 16:10 »

Update by Scott Banks, August 31

Retirement of our old IR illuminator

Apologies for the lack of night vision again. We kick-started the 10-year-old IR camera the other day but it’s fallen over again. The new IR unit hasn’t arrived yet but when it does we’ll figure out a carefully choreographed method to swap it over without disturbing Diamond too much. No easy way to swap though, as the viewing hole has no cover and is open to the birds. It will have to be handled delicately, and probably with some disturbance, but we’ll need to see nightly activities from now on so it’s a necessity.
Please hang in there with us. It’s all reliant on when the new IR unit arrives now. In the meantime Diamond is probably enjoying some much-needed total darkness to snooze in, and no shenanigans in there!

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #17 on: August 31, 2017, 16:00 »

Cilla added a couple comments to her last update.

Cilla Kinross says:   
30 August, 2017 at 12:16 pm   

Xavier has really been pulling his weight and during the day has been doing at least half if not more of the incubating. Considering he wouldn’t go near the eggs or chicks last year, this is quite a turn around, but of course they are HIS this year (and isn’t he pleased to show off his talents at regular intervals!).

He is nearly a third smaller than Diamond. I regularly use a ruler to check length and width against the dimensions of the box to be sure I have the right bird as they often switch so quickly that i miss it (and with the light out again, it can be really difficult when they swap in the early morning gloom). It’s really annoying me, too, as I can’t tell what Diamond is actually doing in the night (or if she’s there at all sometimes).

Hopefully the light will be back up by the weekend, but unfortunately I can’t help Scott as I’m off to a conference in Brisbane tomorrow morning early (terrible timing, I know). I have a volunteer helping with the data recording, but he won’t be updating the website, so it will be a bit quiet over the next few days. I’ll be back today week.

If egg number three arrives before I have to leave this afternoon, I’ll put up a video. If it comes tonight, well too bad, I’m afraid.

Cilla Kinross says:   
30 August, 2017 at 12:17 pm   

Just to add – I expect Xavier’s efforts to tail off if we get three or more eggs as he is just too little to cover a large brood.

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #16 on: August 31, 2017, 15:50 »

Mornings are still rather chilly in Orange. The temperature today was -3.9°C at 0540 hrs, and Xavier could be seen on the ledge around this time.  :)

He’s likely busy hunting right now.

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #15 on: August 30, 2017, 16:52 »

Third egg arrived August 31!

I don't know what time Diamond laid that egg, but while she was moving around a bit (about 0612 hrs, and again at 0636 hrs), three eggs were clearly visible.  :)

I don't know when she laid the third egg either. It was due some time late yesterday, but since the IR has been down completely for the past couple of days, there is no image after dark.

I caught a glimpse of the three eggs as Diamond settled on them, but only two are visible in the pic below. The new egg is the darker one just above her foot.

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #14 on: August 30, 2017, 16:45 »

Today, I saw Xavier present Diamond with a whole bird at 0929 hrs. She immediately left with the prey, and Xavier began his shift. Diamond later returned at 1045 hrs to take over again. I believe Xavier is doing a great job!  :)

Great catch on the food delivery, burdi! Xavier really is being much more helpful to Diamond this year, and it's good to see him doing his share. He really likes to incubate.

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #13 on: August 30, 2017, 15:46 »

Third egg arrived August 31!

I don't know what time Diamond laid that egg, but while she was moving around a bit (about 0612 hrs, and again at 0636 hrs), three eggs were clearly visible.  :)

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #12 on: August 29, 2017, 23:49 »

Today, I saw Xavier present Diamond with a whole bird at 0929 hrs. She immediately left with the prey, and Xavier began his shift. Diamond later returned at 1045 hrs to take over again. I believe Xavier is doing a great job!  :)

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #11 on: August 29, 2017, 23:19 »
Hi burdi,

Diamond now has her second egg! Xavier has been taking his turn incubating. I haven't seen him bring in food for Diamond today, but at least she is able to take a break while he incubates.

Thank you for posting news about the “second egg”, Alison!

I also like your photo of Xavier. He looks quite content on those eggs.  :)

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #10 on: August 29, 2017, 23:05 »

Update by Cilla Kinross, August 28

And number two in broad daylight

This time Diamond’s efforts went unobserved by Xavier, who is hopefully off hunting, but of course, Diamond’s fans world wide wish her well. She was straining for quite a well, so I imagine it’s a quite a relief when the whole process is over.   Could she have three, four even (that would be a first for this nest site)?

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #9 on: August 28, 2017, 03:21 »
Hi burdi,

Diamond now has her second egg! Xavier has been taking his turn incubating. I haven't seen him bring in food for Diamond today, but at least she is able to take a break while he incubates.

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #8 on: August 27, 2017, 22:24 »

UPDATE by Cilla Kinross, August 28

First egg of 2017

Good girl!   And a really good choice of scrape, girl, so we can actually see!     Diamond did her stuff on Saturday morning, with Xavier in attendance (which I suspect is rather unusual – certainly I’ve not seen it before here).   Expect second egg today in fact as they are usually a couple of days apart.
Usually they wait until all, or at least two, eggs are lain before incubation starts, but I noticed both have started straightaway.  It is quite a cold morning for August.

The complete update includes a great video and pictures:

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #7 on: August 27, 2017, 19:39 »
I think Xavier has been working very hard to please Diamond with food offerings. After all, he knows she enjoys eating out ;D, and bringing food usually gives him another chance to incubate!

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2017, 02:04 »
Xavier dropped off some prey for Diamond, very close to her left foot. She was hungry, and started eating. After a few bites, she took the rest of the food out of the nest to finish elsewhere.

Hi, Alison. Your post was very helpful!

I looked at the cam right at the moment Diamond had the prey by her foot (as shown in your first pic). However, I didn't know who brought it in - until I found the answer in your post. Thank you.

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2017, 23:11 »
Thank you for the updates, burdi! I was out when Diamond laid the egg, so I'm glad you caught it!

Congratulations to Diamond and Xavier on their first egg! I'm glad Xavier is taking so much interest in the egg this year.

Xavier dropped off some prey for Diamond, very close to her left foot. She was hungry, and started eating. After a few bites, she took the rest of the food out of the nest to finish elsewhere.



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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2017, 19:13 »

Xavier took the opportunity to thoroughly inspect their egg when Diamond left for a break.  :)

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2017, 16:45 »
Update by Scott Banks, August 23

It’s lights out for the falcons

As some of the more observant viewers have no doubt noticed by now, we’ve got issues with infrared lighting at night, or lack thereof. We’re climbing the tower tomorrow (Thursday) to check the current IR illuminator and if it’s dead a new unit has been ordered but won’t be here until earliest next week, so we’re hoping that everyone up the water tower can cross their legs until then! Best case scenario tomorrow is that the power adapter just needs to be plugged in again. What a time in the season to lose night lighting!!

« Last Edit: August 25, 2017, 19:36 by burdi »

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Re: NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2017, 15:31 »
First egg arrived at 5:43 am, Aug 26! 

Xavier stood by to watch as it happened (he didn't want to miss a thing!♥). And he remained in the nestbox till 5:54 am!

This is actually the first egg produced by Xavier and Diamond (last year the eggs were not his).
« Last Edit: August 25, 2017, 18:41 by burdi »

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NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2017 / Xavier & Diamond
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2017, 06:52 »
It appears things are moving along nicely at CSU!

Xavier and Diamond have been spending more time in their nestbox, and Diamond has been sitting in the scrape.   

UPDATE by Cilla Kinross, August 18

A quiet moment

It’s been SO busy this week, with the box hardly empty for more than a few minutes.  Prey being brought in regularly (mainly starlings, but with a couple of noisy miners and an unlucky eastern rosella) even today with horrible sleet, rain and strong winds, and mostly being handed over quietly, so a noticeable improvement in manners.

Lots of interaction also, at least frequent, but not long-lasting.  Quite a bit of scrape ‘preparation’, although little left to do unless they want to make a hole in the floor!  But a lot of just sitting quietly in the scrape…and here is a sample of Diamond, just a few minutes ago.

LINK includes photos and comments