Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines
West Winnipeg - 2017 / Ty & Faith
The Peregrine Chick:
The Peregrine Chick:
'Fraid I couldn't get a good image from the feeding that just happened (1120h CDT) - the sun is high and overhead so the box is in deep shade at the moment and there just isn't enough contrast for a clear screencapture - we can see what we need to, but it would be pretty muddy and mushy for y'all. Sorry. All the chicks looked great though - everyone sitting up straight and wanting food. All look about the same size now, whereas a day ago, a couple looked a bit smaller. They do grow so fast!
It is warm enough and because they are in the shade, they are in a lovely little happy chick pile with Mom sitting just down the wall where she can still see them without being right on top of them.
lik e a friendship circle. Cute :-*
The Peregrine Chick:
Here's a fix for all those wanting a video - breakfast this morning - all the players are there - Faith, Ty & the 4 kids ... and some poor bird for breakfast of course ...
Woo hoo!! Congrats to Faith and Ty! :-*
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