Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines
West Winnipeg - 2017 / Ty & Faith
The Peregrine Chick:
Good morning to all the Peregrine your well aware banding of the Logan and West Wpg chicks has taken place July 18th.
Couldn't ask for a better Nice Fathers Day present !
Banding Galleries have been created and more photos will be added in the days to come.
Stop by and have a look at the kids close up
Cheers !
The Peregrine Chick:
The Peregrine Chick:
--- Quote from: dupre501 on June 20, 2017, 12:26 ---Glad you didn't get hit TPC. Faith was very aggressive.
--- End quote ---
Thank Dennis and a big white pail - Faith was not amused that we were up there fooling around with her kids. But I like peregrines that are willing to hit so long as they don't take what I anthropomorphically think of as dangerous risks in their attempts to cause grievous bodily harm. Kids were equally as snotty (in a great way!) ;D
I'll be posting information on the banding hopefully tonight or tomorrow am. Dennis has finished processing photos and I just need to carve out some time from my busy week. ;)
Checked out the site on Sunday and found two angry falcons in the air. There was a lot of vocalizing and Faith was taking a LOT of low, fast swoops at someone/something on the roof. Ty was circling a little higher. Faith ended up taking a number of short rests as she was VERY active. Left TPC a message that something was up. Later found out that they were banding at the time.
Glad you didn't get hit TPC. Faith was very aggressive.
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