Author Topic: AB / Edmonton - Weber Centre - 2020 / B72 & GG  (Read 3343 times)

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Offline Shocka88

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Re: AB / Edmonton - Weber Centre - 2020 / B72 & GG
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2020, 13:46 »
Awwwe.....sad :'(

Offline bev.

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AB / Edmonton - Weber Centre - 2020 / B72 & GG
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2020, 08:39 »
Gord had to remove box due to renovations hopefully it will go back next year. Green girl still there. We had hoped they would nest on one of two other buildings but when workman left for a weekend, 2 eggs were laid on Weber roof. Then 2 weeks later 2 more were laid. Gord retrieved first two, Peter and I kept track of our 2 falcons and felt they may try another building. But then they lay 2 more long weekend in May on Weber roof. Gord retrieved those. So although no birds will fledge from Weber this year , their genes will carry on. First two should have 🐣 waiting for Gord’s report to me. They are at a place outside Edmonton, in an incubator and then will be fed by one of peregrines at the breeders.
Hopefully we can get to Weber and see if our pair stuck around. I hope green girl will stay. The pair stayed last year when Gord had to retrieve eggs but then nest box was there. Not a great 2 years for my pair but buildings must be renovated I guess. 
If you remember, Green girl is Radissons daughter.