Author Topic: France / Châteauneuf - 2019 / Not named & Not named  (Read 3903 times)

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Offline Alison

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France / Châteauneuf - 2019 / Not named & Not named
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2019, 21:52 »
By the 1970s, the peregrines in France had almost disappeared due to the use of DDT.

Since 2007, there has been a program to help restore the French peregrine population. Suitable nest sites were scarce, so nest boxes were installed at a number of locations in an attempt to attract peregrines.

One such location is Châteauneuf, in the Loire Valley. A pair of peregrines accepted a nest box which had been installed on a chimney/smokestack.

This year, a webcam was added.

The birds raised four beautiful chicks this year, all of whom fledged successfully. The juvies can still be seen returning to the nest on occasion, and both parents visit the nest almost daily.

Dad downstairs, Mom upstairs: