Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines
West Winnipeg - 2018 / A Death in the Family - Beatrix (2011-2018)
--- Quote from: The Peregrine Chick on August 28, 2016, 16:45 ---
She has been improving but as we have seen with 19/K, soft tissue injuries can take a long time to heal. Things have slowed a bit though because of the summer heat in Texas but the rehab folks have been taking great care to make sure she's staying cool and is very well fed on quail. Her personality is still attitudinal (which is great) but they understand her by now. ;D
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I am glad to hear that Beatrix is improving. Since she is not yet fully healed, and migration has already begun, will she perhaps remain in care through the winter?
The Peregrine Chick:
--- Quote from: Alison on August 26, 2016, 21:15 ---Just wondering if Beatrix has been making any progress? It has been five months since she was injured; I hope that she is improving and will soon be fully recovered.
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She has been improving but as we have seen with 19/K, soft tissue injuries can take a long time to heal. Things have slowed a bit though because of the summer heat in Texas but the rehab folks have been taking great care to make sure she's staying cool and is very well fed on quail. Her personality is still attitudinal (which is great) but they understand her by now. ;D
Just wondering if Beatrix has been making any progress? It has been five months since she was injured; I hope that she is improving and will soon be fully recovered.
Thanks for your answers Tracey. Paperwork sounds complicated.
they are probably running out of qual! ;D just kidding ... it will good for her to come home!
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