Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2018 / A Death in the Family - Beatrix (2011-2018)

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Nice to hear Beatrix is home on Manitoba soil.  But, sorry to hear about her feet.  Is that trouble most likely due to being "perched" for so long in cages?

Poor thing.  Hope she heals well and fast, and will be back to her fiesty self in the spring.

The Peregrine Chick:
We don't know how fast her feet will heal, but we can say that Beatrix will be in recovery until at least the Spring.  Her food preference is for quail which means ordering from an out-of-province breeder.  The price for the quail is reasonable but shipping costs just as much - they have to get flown here so they stay frozen.

If you have been thinking about making a donation (this year or next) and you'd like to help out with Beatrix's recovery - you can donate to the Project (we'll be ordering the quail & contributing to vet costs) or directly to PWRC (you can include a note indicating your donation is for Beatrix's care).

If you want to help, but your finances won't let you donate, no worries, we understand, particularly at this time of the year.  We appreciate everyone's support, financial or otherwise.  And the unfortunate truth is, because we are working with wildlife, there will always be opportunities to help in the future.

The Peregrine Chick:
Some photos from Beatrix's adventures ...

En-route from Texas ...

...and then once she was back in town ...

I just saw the update from PWRC and longed in here to read the updates

What an amazing journey Beatrix has had!

Big thanks to TPC and everyone on involved in bringing this girl home

Wishing Beatrix a quick recovery

I just saw the news item on FB.  So happy she's back!!  Welcome home Beatrix ;D


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