Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2018 / A Death in the Family - Beatrix (2011-2018)

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The Peregrine Chick:
With Bristol's and Beamont's deaths this year, I despair that we won't see any of Beatrix's offspring showing off their inheritance.  We've had no word of Bishop or Belle from her nest with Beau or about Tiggy and Tuppence from her nest with Ty.  And nothing about her brothers Carson and Cade.  Maybe Bridget (who is banded) or Sam and Starr (who aren't) might survive and surprise us all in a couple of years ... but for me it is just too soon after Beatrix's loss to be hopeful.

Just read the sad news. Thank you TPC, Dennis, rehab centers, et al for your care and dedication. You worked so hard.

I had really hoped that even if she couldn't be released, that she and Beau would be able to have more awesome chicks.

I really expected that Beatrix would one day take over the Radisson site from Princess. How sad that can never happen, despite all the efforts from so many to get her well.

Oh no! 
Beatrix's story has been fascinating to follow, and it is so sad to hear there couldn't be a happy ending.

I am deeply saddened by this. we know we will loose birds at our sites, but we all hoped beyond hopes for Beatrix.

she was a real trooper and gave her all.
thank you to the rehab and to you Tracy, and to the folks in Texas that cared for her. It always takes a village to keep these fabulous raptors safe.

words cannot truly express how I feel . May your spirit soar high now Beatrix  :-*


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