Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2018 / A Death in the Family - Beatrix (2011-2018)

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Any further news regarding Beatrix?

With the first peregrine sighting in Winnipeg, will she be released soon so she can take up her territory in WW? or will it be a late release after nesting has already begun?


--- Quote from: The Peregrine Chick on January 08, 2017, 15:40 ---Jan 6 - Have posted an update and a photo of Beatrix on the Peregrine Chick Blog

--- End quote ---

Thank you TPC for updating us and for helping take care of her  :)

The Peregrine Chick:
Jan 6 - Have posted an update and a photo of Beatrix on the Peregrine Chick Blog

Thanks for your update on Beatrix's surgery & healing, TPC.
Thanks also for your donation reminder!

The Peregrine Chick:
Beatrix is healing nicely after surgery and it has only been a couple of weeks.  She will be on medication for a little while yet to take care of any infection. 

We have the vet bill now so for those who have made donations recently, that is our first bill to pay on her behalf . Then we will be paying for quail which is important because she is feeding herself now and we want to provide her with food she likes!  And the more she feeds herself, the less stress she is under and more of her resources can be put toward a) healing and b) rehabilitation.

Between the food, vet costs and the cost of getting her back up her (permits, paperwork, couriers, etc) will pretty much eat through all our donations for this year.  So, if you are still thinking you want to make a donation before the end of 2016, please think of us, we will definitely put it to good use.  If you have made all your donations for 2016, Beatrix won't be released until the spring at the earliest so donations made after January 1 will continue to go to her care.


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