Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2018 / A Death in the Family - Beatrix (2011-2018)

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The Peregrine Chick:

--- Quote from: susha on March 25, 2016, 12:34 ---TPC, how do the folks in Texas know there's something wrong with Beatrix's eyesight? ??? 
--- End quote ---

There wasn't a mark on her when she came in, so they figured, in part because of when she was found and where she was found, that she had gotten caught in the big hail storm that buzzed through the area on the 17th (  They were concerned in the beginning because it seemed to them that she wasn't as alert as she should have been.  That was when they made the decision to get her in to see an ophthalmic specialist.  Since then however, she much more alert and tracking so they think if she did have any problems with her vision (remember, she hasn't seen the vet yet) that she has improved.  They want to try her in a flight cage to see if she'll fly which she may not do if she's having vision problems.  It is however just their concern, it has yet to be confirmed by the vet.  She pretty symmetrical in her responses to things from what little I've seen in photos and the video so if there was any cause for concern, she may be recovering from it.  But it is all just supposition until she's seen by the vet.

TPC, how do the folks in Texas know there's something wrong with Beatrix's eyesight? ???

Beatrix is now a local celebrity. Just saw a Facebook post from Global News.  ;D

Very interesting video. She seems to be in good hands.
What a blessing that people love and take care of the peregrines.
God speed!

Thanks for sharing that story TPC.  She is beautiful and she's quite calm with the lady isn't she?  I sure hope her vision not being 100% is temporary and she can come home soon.

They've had another bad storm down there, I sure hope none of the other falcons we're waiting on get caught up down there and can make it home safely.


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