Smiley have been good about bringing in small meals about every 4 hours through the night however the chicks are putting on a growth spurt - they are twice the size they were when they hatched now - so off when Princess at 0800h, Smiley moved in to hang out with the kids, sometimes with them, sometimes on the box edge (both fine, not raining or cold at the moment). At about 0900h, Princess came in with larger than all three chicks combined and newly killed and fully plucked. Big meal and then she flew off with the leftovers (and there were leftovers) ... well I say she flew off and that sounds much too graceful, she almost couldn't get a grip on it when she was on the box edge trying to take off!! I zoomed in in hopes of maybe identifying her prey, I've been doing the same with Smiley's without success I admit. Didn't fare any better this time though the legs did look suspiciously pigeon like. I'm not going to post the image, still looks like a bird so might be too graphic for most?