Manitoba Peregrines > UND, Grand Forks, North Dakota
UND Tower - 2016 / Marv & Terminator
The Peregrine Chick:
Got a call into my contact in North Dakota for an update ... given when Terminator returned, I suspect they should have eggs by now, or at least be laying now. Will let you all know when I hear something.
Thought I might add an alternate link to the most recent news article, since the Bismarck Tribune link shows only the first few lines of type and blocks the rest.
The Grand Forks Herald still shows the complete article, along with a couple of really nice photos of Marv and Terminator which were not there when I first read the article.
Return of matriarch peregrine falcon terminates possible love triangle
Grand Forks raptor expert Tim Driscoll on Monday said he has confirmed the identity of Terminator, the matriarch of Grand Forks’ contribution to the peregrine recovery, who was spotted back in town Thursday.
She also has been seen copulating with Marv, her male counterpart for the past two years.
The Peregrine Chick:
I was worried that I might have to rename this thread but it seems like Terminator has returned according to the folks in Grand Forks. They are pretty confident that it is her based on her messed up leg band (colour mostly worn off), behaviour and Marv's welcome. They will let us know when they confirm her identity but Tim said he'd be very surprised if it was anyone but Terminator.
No information on where Bristol might be now but we will keep our ears open of course!
The Peregrine Chick:
--- Quote from: carly on March 14, 2016, 09:17 ---Bittersweet after we lost Beau back to captivity. I'm happy one of his offspring is now carrying on his genes. Stay safe little girl :-*
--- End quote ---
Actually Beau's got a few kids adding/may add genes to the wild population: Bristol (West Wpg 2014) in Grand Forks so far this year and last year (yet to arrive this year) Annie (West Wpg 2010) in Fargo and Andamooka (West Wpg 2013) in Regina and the year before Juliet (West Wpg 2012) in Minneapolis though she didn't nest - I'm hoping she'll turn up in my annual report of Mb peregrine sightings across North America. Beau has had 21 eggs laid, only 17 hatched, 15 made it to fledging, 2 maybe 3 we know died on migration, 4 we know have survived, that's a 25% survive to breeding age rate which is honestly pretty good - one chick from each nest that had a chick that fledged (excluding last year's chicks only because we usually don't get reports of chicks in their first year).
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