Manitoba Peregrines > UND, Grand Forks, North Dakota
UND Tower - 2016 / Marv & Terminator
An update which belongs on the thread for 2014.
Since that thread is locked, I will post it here for the record.
You may remember that back in 2014, Marv and Terminator raised two chicks, Maya and Myra. They hatched on June 10, 2014, were banded on July 3 and fledged on July 21.
I just came across the information that one of the juvies was found dead on the roof of the US Bank building near the nest box on October 2, 2014. :'( I do not know whether this was Maya or Myra.
An update from July 13 on Marv and Terminator's four fledglings:
It seems timely to give an update on what is happening with the pair of Peregrines (Marv and Terminator) who own the nest box on the UND water tower. They raised four young this year and all have been flying for over two weeks. This is the most young that Terminator has fledged.
Dave Lambeth, Grand Forks, North Dakota
Marilyn the Peregrine takes first flights around Grand Forks
By Marilyn Hagerty
July 11, 2016 at 10:26 p.m.
Dear Tim Driscoll,
When I go to sleep at night, I wonder. When I wake up in the morning, I still wonder. I do worry about the baby peregrine falcon you named after me a month ago. You have been studying these birds for a long time.
I wondered if Marilyn had left the nest in the UND water tower? I wonder about her parents, Terminator and Marv. I have wondered if Marilyn gets along with her brothers. I remember their names are David, Clifton and Ali. They are named after David Lambeth, the dean of bird watchers here, along with the late Olympics runner Clifton Cushman and the late famous boxer Muhammad Ali.
I have been wishing Marilyn would stay here and go to UND. Just as I was worrying about Marilyn, a wonderful thing happened. David Lambeth showed up with pictures he had taken during the past week of Marilyn.
She is flitting around on the roofs of buildings at UND. She has a beautiful coat of feathers. A month ago when Cory Floden and Nathan Reitan scaled the water tower at UND, she had only little white fluffy feathers.
Dave Lambeth has discovered the little falcons are out every day—exploring. They had been sort of like teenagers waiting in the nest for their parents to bring them food. Within a month, they will be out of here.
The bird people know of a bird named Eve hatched here now living in Minneapolis. Smiley, who was around here several years ago, is known to be nesting in Winnipeg. Another of the peregrines born here several years ago has been spotted in Texas.
Well, I don't know what you think, Tim, but I sure hope Marilyn makes good decisions. They say she is no shrinking violet, and she sort of lords it over her brother hawks. All I have is the few white downy feathers taken a month ago when she was so very young.
Marilyn is a beautiful juvie. I see from the photo that she is banded black/red C/82. I wish for her that all her flights will be safe ones, and the same for her three siblings.
An update on the chicks, from the Midwest Peregrine Society:
A lucky day for Dave as he was able to photograph his namesake, David. The four peregrine young on the UND water tower are now leaving the nest box and roaming the walkway around the tower. They will take their first flight any day. David is identified by the band on his left leg: the letter H on a black background, and numeral 83 on red.
Photos by Dave Lambeth.
Here is some updated information on today's banding of the four chicks:
There is one female chick (Marilyn) and three males.
Driscoll on Monday named the other three chicks—all males—David, Clifton and Ali.
David is named after local birder David Lambeth; Clifton after Clifton "Cliff" Cushman, the Central High School track star and Olympic athlete whose plane went down in 1966 over Vietnam; and Ali after Muhammad Ali, the heavyweight boxer and social activist who died last week.
But as the biggest—and, arguably, loudest—of the very vocal peregrine chicks, it was Marilyn who drew the most applause Monday afternoon when Driscoll announced her name.
The rest of the article, including a very short video of the banding:
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