Author Topic: State Capitol - 2016 / 19K & Alley  (Read 34894 times)

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Offline burdi

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Re: State Capitol - 2016 / 19K & Alley
« Reply #94 on: September 03, 2016, 23:27 »
Not exactly an update on 19/K, but he is mentioned in this more general update from Fontenelle Forest Raptor Recovery earlier today:

Two Red-tailed Hawks completed rehabilitation and were returned to freedom! A Burrowing Owl was also released this week! Sorry photos unavailable. We are quickly approaching fall migration! 19/K is flying stronger too! Be sure to find us in the NEBRASKA building at the Nebraska State Fair this weekend!

I hope Papa will continue to do well, and be able to return home to Alley fairly soon.

Their general update may not say a lot about 19/K, but it is very positive and good to hear! I hope he will be able to return home before another male decides to take up residence; of course, I know that he first needs to be strong enough.

Offline Alison

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Re: State Capitol - 2016 / 19K & Alley
« Reply #93 on: September 02, 2016, 22:14 »
Not exactly an update on 19/K, but he is mentioned in this more general update from Fontenelle Forest Raptor Recovery earlier today:

Two Red-tailed Hawks completed rehabilitation and were returned to freedom! A Burrowing Owl was also released this week! Sorry photos unavailable. We are quickly approaching fall migration! 19/K is flying stronger too! Be sure to find us in the NEBRASKA building at the Nebraska State Fair this weekend!

I hope Papa will continue to do well, and be able to return home to Alley fairly soon.

Offline Alison

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Re: State Capitol - 2016 / 19K & Alley
« Reply #92 on: August 24, 2016, 18:24 »
Good news from Fontenelle Forest Raptor Recovery this afternoon:

19/K is doing well and enjoying the larger flight pen that he was recently moved to. We are keeping a close eye as he continues through the recovery process.

It's good to see 19/K continuing to make progress, and in a larger flight enclosure.

Offline burdi

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Re: State Capitol - 2016 / 19K & Alley
« Reply #91 on: August 21, 2016, 00:03 »

Thank you for the update, RCF. I will keep hoping for 19/K! :)

Offline RCF

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Re: State Capitol - 2016 / 19K & Alley
« Reply #90 on: August 19, 2016, 17:20 »
19/K is gaining strength. He will be moving to a larger flight enclosure next week! This will be the biggest test of his flight ability!
« Last Edit: August 19, 2016, 17:21 by RCF »

Offline Alison

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Re: State Capitol - 2016 / 19K & Alley
« Reply #89 on: August 06, 2016, 21:03 »
There are no new updates yet on 19/K. I hope there will be one soon.

Meantime, his son Dinan is now hunting for himself. Alley continues to teach him all kinds of skills. She spends countless hours with him daily and has now taught him how to do mid-air prey transfers successfully. What a remarkable falcon she is, working tirelessly with Dinan and watching over him always.

Offline burdi

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Re: State Capitol - 2016 / 19K & Alley
« Reply #88 on: July 21, 2016, 18:59 »

I’m very happy to hear that 19/K is progressing so well! Thank you for all of the updates, Alison.

Offline Alison

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Re: State Capitol - 2016 / 19K & Alley
« Reply #87 on: July 21, 2016, 16:25 »
Today's update on the progress of 19/K, from Fontenelle Forest Raptor Recovery:

A quick 19/K (Lincoln capitol building peregrine falcon) update.. He has been upgraded to a larger flight pen this week. It's taller and longer (20 feet), and will allow him to continue to stretch his wings and get acclimated to flying again.

We estimate it will be about two to three weeks before he moves to the large flight complex (60 feet). Small steps, but so far so good!

Offline Alison

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Re: State Capitol - 2016 / 19K & Alley
« Reply #86 on: July 12, 2016, 15:20 »
Last night Lincoln was under a severe thunderstorm watch, with the potential for large hail, damaging winds, and heavy rain.

I had checked the cams to see if by chance Dinan had come home for the night, but no sign of him.

Lightning filled the sky and continued for hours. I hope that Dinan and Alley found a safe place to spend the night.



Offline Alison

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Re: State Capitol - 2016 / 19K & Alley
« Reply #85 on: July 12, 2016, 15:01 »
An update on 19/K as of four hours ago from Fontenelle Forest Raptor Recovery. It is really good that they are allowing him to progress gradually in his recovery.

A quick 19/K update from our rehabilitation center.. He continues to do well and has been moved from an acclimation pen to a small flight pen. The acclimation pen is utilized to allow the bird time to get used to moving on its own again without too much space to move around in. Once the bird is acclimated, we move it to a small flight pen where we can begin to monitor its ability to fly.

We'll keep everyone updated on 19/K's status as he progresses through rehabilitation.

If you'd like to support our raptor rescue and rehabilitation efforts throughout the state of Nebraska and Western Iowa, please consider making a donation. Every dollar helps us feed and care for these amazing animals.

Please put Raptor Recovery or 19/K in the comments!

Offline Alison

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Re: State Capitol - 2016 / 19K & Alley
« Reply #84 on: July 10, 2016, 09:42 »
Dinan continues to fly like a champion. Alley has been teaching him all kinds of flight skills as she flies with him. What a great teacher she is.

There has been a drone seen near the nest on two occasions recently. These things are really dangerous to birds and there are more and more of them being seen near active nests.  >:(

Offline burdi

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Re: State Capitol - 2016 / 19K & Alley
« Reply #83 on: July 07, 2016, 19:21 »
I hope he will be around for a while, so that his Dad will be able to see him fly.

Oh I sure hope so, Alison. “Papa” will be very proud of Dinan for his flying ability and of Alley for watching over him so well.

Of course, we knew she could manage. :)

Offline Alison

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Re: State Capitol - 2016 / 19K & Alley
« Reply #82 on: July 07, 2016, 17:53 »
I too hope for a complete recovery for 19/K (known to many people simply as "Papa").

Meantime, his son, Dinan, has been flying extremely well and has been making good landings. He has been all over the Capitol building, and has been exploring the surrounding area, watched over closely by his Mom, Alley. This morning he headed for a hotel, with Alley in hot pursuit.

Dinan has also flown back to the nest box, and a couple of nights ago, stayed there for the night.

There are some great people on the ground in Lincoln spending long hours watching out for him.

I hope he will be around for a while, so that his Dad will be able to see him fly.

Offline burdi

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Re: State Capitol - 2016 / 19K & Alley
« Reply #81 on: July 07, 2016, 17:23 »
Thank you for posting this news, Alison, and thank you to Fontenelle Forest’s Raptor Recovery. I will definitely keep my fingers crossed for 19K. I often find myself very attached to some of the older resident birds, and this latest news has really made my day.

He's so handsome it's breathtaking!

Offline carly

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Re: State Capitol - 2016 / 19K & Alley
« Reply #80 on: July 07, 2016, 16:39 »
Oh he's a handsome tiercel, I hope he recovers well and is able to soar the skies again.