TPC I'm confused by Chance and her refusal to fledge. She hatched on May 31st. Newman and Zooey are doing their best to encourage her to take flight.
If she hatched May 31st she is 48 days old which isn't overly long for a female chick. If it were 58 days I'd be more concerned ...
In the old days we used to say the norm for fledging was 35-40 days for males, 40-45 days for females. Over the last very many years we know that this is just a general average.
We have small chicks and have males and females fledge regularly between 35-38 days.
We have had solo chicks that fledge as soon as they can which is very often way before they "should".
And we have some who take longer because they are literally bigger, or won't leave their siblings or just don't want to fly yet. We had chicks stay past 50 days - as I recall, Vesper who got grounded after fledge on time from the nestledge stayed in the nest box and on the ledge after we returned her until day 55 or thereabouts - so another two weeks.
The Radisson chicks this year fledged together at 41-42 days of age ... neither is particularly large but they didn't show any real interest (maybe because of the heat?) and then were unwilling to fledge without the other. They haven't had any problems so waiting suited them.
If she were one of our birds I would just sit back and keep any eye on her. Her parents may be willing to tolerate/indulge her for the moment, but they will eventually go to tough love.
Do keep us in the loop on Chance ... she'll eventually chance it 😉