John Bunker Sands Wetland Centre
Seagoville, Texas
The Wetland EaglesEagles have been nesting in the John Bunker Sands Wetlands since 2011 but in the summer of 2014, after the eaglets had left the nest, the nest was moved to a new location. Because eagles add to their nest each year (until the tree or whatever finally breaks - their nests can get to be up to 1 ton in weight), this expanding nest was getting dangerously close to nearby high voltage wires. So in July 2014, a group of individuals, local business, state and federal agencies relocated the 200lb nest and the metal "tower arm" where the nest was located to a new and higher tower built and donated by Falcon Steel in order to provide a safe new nesting location for the eagles. On September 21st, 2015 the eagles returned to the nest to begin preparations for next year's nesting activities.