Other Peregrine Projects > Australian Peregrines
NSW - Charles Sturt University - 2015 / Bula & Diamond
I'm hoping an egg will hatch here overnight. It's currently 7:13 pm in Australia. :)
Here's the latest update from Scott Banks:
Eggs should begin to hatch here very soon! (Currently it's Sunday morning in New South Wales.) :)
Here's the latest update from Cilla Kinross:
"By my calculations, the eggs should start hatching any time now, with the most likely day this Monday (a public holiday in Australia).
I’ve noticed that Diamond is getting quite restless, sometimes stopping to look with bemusement at the eggs as if to say ‘isn’t it time you came out??’ There has also been more interaction between our (assumed) newly weds and a bit more food bringing recently.
I can’t come in tomorrow as I have a site to prepare for tree-planting later this week, but will come in on Monday to see how things are shaping up.
ABC Canberra is coming up to Orange on Tuesday to do some interviews and grab some videos, so our birds will be doing some major preening in readiness for their stardom (actually probably/hopefully busy with little ones)."
Your reply to my question was very helpful TPC. :)
I appreciate all of your thoughts regarding banding in Australia, along with the information you included for USA and Canada.
This is all very interesting, and there’s still much to learn.
The Peregrine Chick:
--- Quote from: burdi on September 20, 2015, 22:25 ---A few years ago I recall peregrine falcons that were banded at Anglesea and Melbourne (though those sites are in Victoria), and Charles Sturt University is in NSW. Does anyone know of any peregrine chicks ringed in New South Wales? TPC?
--- End quote ---
I'm afraid I don't have any information about banded birds in Australia or banding birds in Australia. As for the ethics committee - that is an animal welfare committee of the University which as the birds nest on their grounds and perhaps because Cilla works for the university and is proposing the banding as part of a long-term, university project, that is why she can't get permission.
My question would be who issues the permits and what are their criteria for banding the birds? Here it is the federal govts of Canada and the USA that issue banding permits and you have to give them a) an acceptable (to them) reason to band the birds you want to band, b) proof that you can band the birds, c) describe how you will acquire the birds and that is the only way you acquire them other than if they are injured or retrieved some other way, d) you have to go through ethics permissions if you wish to do anything extra - like neck bands or wing discs or transmitters or taking blood, etc (which can be turned down) and e) you have to renew your permit each year. It may be that peregrines in Australia were never a species-at-risk as they were here (can't say that for sure) and as a result, there isn't the history of recovery projects like we had here from which our tradition of banding any peregrine we can get our mitts on continues. That may be why Cilla has to apply for it as part of a research project (as opposed to on-going monitoring here) through the University. (please note that I say "may be")
Just speculation on my part though as I've never spoken with Cilla about this particular obstacle ... :)
I’ve found a bit of info on the CSU site regarding banding.
These are quotes from Cilla:
Nov 17/14 - (within update called Monday pm) “I tried to get permission initially for banding (= ringing) the chicks, but this was knocked back by our animal ethics’ committee. However, I could try again next year as I’ve kept up my banding licence and the composition of the committee has since changed.”
Dec 12/14 - (within update called Beau preparing scrape) “And I would still like to get permission to band (= ring).”
May 8/15 - (within update called A changing of the guard) “I do hope we don’t have siblings mating (another good reason for banding….).”
It appears that Cilla is willing and able to band, but for some reason the deciding animal ethics committee chose not to grant permission. Maybe this is a confidential issue within the university, or could it be that NSW finds it unethical to band peregrines? ???
A few years ago I recall peregrine falcons that were banded at Anglesea and Melbourne (though those sites are in Victoria), and Charles Sturt University is in NSW. Does anyone know of any peregrine chicks ringed in New South Wales? TPC?
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