Manitoba Peregrines > Logan Peregrines

Logan - 2015 / Hart & Jolicoeur

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Very sorry to hear of Calloway's accidental death. :'(

I do certainly appreciate all the updates you provide, TPC. Your help in keeping the Radisson cam up and running allows us to view our resident pair. And your text narration of all the nests' coming and goings give this follower a visual of the 2015 season. Thank you ever so much. You're the best!

The Peregrine Chick:
Yup been a bad year 6 eggs that didn't hatch, 3 chicks dead and a breeding male out of the wild breeding population.

But all the deaths were accidental - the first two Logan boys (it appears) tried to get back to the nest during a storm there was no way they could handle. Calloway had an accident pure and simple - he was beyond the basics of flying so this was just a fluke.  And these are the first rescues, injuries or deaths we've had at this site so we are still doing well here. In the early years at the Radisson we had this many deaths more than a couple of times so statistically, we were due unfortunately.  Keep in mind that Sundance from 2013 came home this year so we know at least one has survived to breeding age.  And Tiggy's little digestive adventure is just proof that this birds don't like to be boring!!!!

So while we had losses we have also got a record number of adult birds at Manitoba sites this year granted many didn't nest but it does help a bit to prove that "if you built it, they will come" and at least check out the real estate! 😉

so sad . hoe remaining juvenile stays safe

As far as territory goes, we have learned something new in Edmonton. I will post maybe later tonight, but our yellow band male from WEber has been at U of A since August 9the, He did go home for a meal late August 10th but he is seen in box , on box and with the other juveniles here regularly . Our adutls at U of A do nto appear bothered which is new for Radisson. She usually chases everything out.
So I am just saying, maybe the juveniles from both sites will get together

Sad to hear this :'(

Thanks for keeping us updated with all the news, good and bad.


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