Other Peregrine Projects > European Peregrines

Netherlands / De Mortel - 2015 / Pa & Miep-VieVie

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Hope all is okay at this site.  
I know it's nature, but I just hope that it settles down.
Not the greatest time to be battling when there are four rapidly growing chicks that need tending to.

There was more action going on in De Mortel this morning. I heard all the noise (about 11:40 NL time) and then saw comments saying Pa is back! Later, others said it was another strange falcon, and not Pa.

There is now a clip on BDL called “Another strange falcon” as well as a few nice videos about VM. Observers reported four falcons fighting above and around the tower while VV was in the nest. Things quieted down after a few hours, but I hope none were badly hurt.

I was unable to spend much time here the last few days but may still try to post some further information regarding this site - hopefully by tomorrow.

Although busy, I still try to peek in on various sites but unfortunately came across something that has me very worried right now!

Thanks RCF for responding to TPC's question.
Also, it seems that VM is fitting in with his new family.
The chicks look great and healthy and Miep/VV is one heck of a Mum! 
This is my favorite time is the year - eggs, chicks = ❤️

The Peregrine Chick:
Excellent - thank you RCF!


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