Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines
West Winnipeg - 2015 / Ty & Beatrix
What wonderful news of Tiggy's release & flight! And what a great photo, Dennis! :D
Thank you TPC. Hopefully someone will spot Tiggy since she is the only chick in the province with blue tape!
The Peregrine Chick:
So far Tiggy has not shown up on camera at the nestsite - Ty and Beatrix have - but not Tiggy since her release and not Tuppence for a couple of weeks.
Still keeping an eye on the cams though and they do appear, will let folks know.
You can see that her blue electrical tape is still in place ... so if anyone does see a chick with a black band on its left leg and blue tape on the band on its right - sing out - we only have one chick in the province with blue tape and that is Tiggy.
--- Quote from: The Peregrine Chick on September 02, 2015, 00:25 ---
And she just soared out of sight in about 5 minutes.
photo by Dennis Swayze
All in all, a perfect goodbye :D
--- End quote ---
Love your beautiful photo of Tiggy, Dennis; although, I hope this won’t be your last photo of her.
Perhaps someone such as you or Dupre will spot her, or maybe she will visit the nest box and show up on camera; I'm very happy for her, but don’t want this to be her last goodbye.
Wonderful news! Thanks for the picture, great to be able to see her.
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