Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2015 / Ty & Beatrix

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The Peregrine Chick:

--- Quote from: allikat on May 11, 2015, 16:43 ---Why is it that all the fathers get scolded for wanting to incubate or brood?  :-\
Pour guys!  ::)

--- End quote ---

Perhaps more waking him up rather than scolding him ... he seems often to be napping when he's incubating.   ;)   They really are a lovely couple to watch, very in sync with one another

Well, I would say since the beginning of time the men hunt, work, forage for food. We, as women nest and yes, care for the kids. However, we ARE in the 21st century and the times, they are changing. He is up for change, she, not so much! ::)

Why is it that all the fathers get scolded for wanting to incubate or brood?  :-\
Pour guys!  ::)


The Peregrine Chick:
Ty and Beatrix appear to be pretty evenly dividing the incubating duties right from the beginning.  This morning was particularly cute, he didn't want to leave (or get up from his comfy scrape) and he kept turning his head away and ignoring Beatrix when she came to take over.  He stayed "in bed" until 0830h then they traded spots with her have a bit of a yak at him as he leisurely left.


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