Author Topic: ON / Ottawa - Heron Road - 2014  (Read 4007 times)

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Offline Kinderchick

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"Clementine," the 2nd female chick at this nest sight fledged successfully the evening of June 28th. "Manaus," the 1st female to fledge has now had her named changed to "Clover." "Luis," the male chick & the 1st one to fledge, continues to practice his flying skills. All 3 chicks are doing well with their flying lessons, under the watchful guidance of their very attentive parents as well as the fledge watchers. The chicks continue to remain close to their nest site, while their parents make food drops. :)

Offline Moonstar

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thanks for the updates

Offline Kinderchick

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"Manaus," a female chick at this nest site, named after a Brazilian city, fledged early this morning. She didn't fly as much as her brother "Luis" did yesterday, but did manage to make her way back to the Data Centre for a nap & a feeding. :)

Offline Kinderchick

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"Luis," a male chick at this nest site, fledged from the Data Centre today. Although he made quite a few attempts throughout the day to make it back to the nest, he was unsuccessful. He did, however, manage to make it back to the roof of the Data Centre, which is where he was when the fledge watchers went home for the night... He reportedly flew 12 times throughout the day, clocking about 2 kms. :D
« Last Edit: June 28, 2014, 01:59 by Kinderchick »

Offline Kinderchick

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ON / Ottawa - Heron Road - 2014
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2014, 19:49 »

From the website...

May 22nd - 1st chick spotted.
May 25th - 2nd chick spotted.
June 5th - 3rd chick spotted.
June 21st - Fledge watch begins!

I met up with "banane" when I was in Ottawa last summer. We went to visit this nest site. It is very high up on a ledge of a gov't building, with seemingly no access in order to band the chicks. Last year, we were able to spot 2 chicks as well as an adult. The nest appears to be made of sticks. It looks much like the tower nest in Brandon. Would it be an abandoned raven's nest, TPC? :-\