The Classroom > The Classroom
Post Your Question Here
The Peregrine Chick:
How do we post a question about the peregrines here in The Classroom?
You need to be a member and then you have 2 choices ...
You can post here:
1. Click "Reply" link - it is just above and on the right of this box
2. Type in your question in the new box
3. Press the "Post" button below the box
When I answer I will move it to join the rest of the "Questions from Our Younger Fans" so that everyone can read your question and my answer.
You can post directly in the "Questions from Our Younger Fans" board:
1. Go to "Questions for Our Younger Fans"
2. Click on the "New Topic" link
3. Fill in the Subject line
4. Type in your question in the box below the icons
5. Press the "Post" button below the box
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