Manitoba Peregrines > Selkirk Peregrines

Selkirk - 2014 / Ty & Paris

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The Peregrine Chick:
We don't know I'm afraid Allikat - we have been chasing reports of birds being sighted but no chicks yet.  I will be going to pick up a dead unbanded bird in the next few days (it's in someone's freezer) and if it is a peregrine - if it is a chick perhaps they did have chicks but I don't every hope a chick dies.  Don't want it to be Paris either because then Ty would have to find a new mate and he might leave the area ... don't like Catch-22s.

More information when we have it ...

It would be interesting to hear if King Ty and his Queen, Paris, decided to make some Prince's and Princess's....

The Peregrine Chick:

--- Quote from: MayShowers on July 14, 2014, 12:42 ---TPC, did Ty & Paris ever settle down to nest this year?

--- End quote ---

Not that we have been able to find and confirm ... and we haven't had any other reports.  We are still trying to hunt them down if they are in the area.  We do have plans for a couple of nestboxes just in case what they are looking for are better places to nest ...

TPC, did Ty & Paris ever settle down to nest this year?

The Peregrine Chick:
We haven't been out to check on Ty and Paris in the last couple of days but since they weren't where they should have been, we are likely going to have to plan for a longer trip and check all the nooks and crannies in the area so see if they have moved or have left.  Couldn't figure out why they didn't nest last year but I do hope they do so this year and if they felt they needed somewhere new, so be it.  We need a forwarding address service for some of these birds!!


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