Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

ON / Toronto - Apartment Block - 2008-14

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On a Mac it's the same.... control and plus to enlarge.


--- Quote from: ballywing on July 12, 2008, 14:39 ---Is there a zoom on this camera? - I need to get out my handy magnifying glass as I find the chicks are a bit too far away.  :-\ - The plus side is it must be great to see the parents take off & land.  ;D

--- End quote ---

What I do is enlarge the page...For Windows, hold down the control button and press the + key to enlarge...its better than a magnifying glass...loved the nostril description... :)

Eagle is right, it's set up in another building.  You can go full screen but no zoom :( as far I can tell either.  The other day I could see the reflection of some guys face - mostly his nose in the camera - it was like looking through his nostrils to see the birds..weirdest thing I've ever seen. 

There is  round of thunderstorms coming later today so I"ll be keeping my eyese peeled to make sure they're okay.   I swear it's like we live in Tornado alley this year what will all the torrential rains, high winds and hail..never seen anything like it in my lifetime.

I don't honestly know I think the cam is set up in another building looking through the glass.  I haven't been watching as much as I'd like been too busy doing other stuff and watching other webcams lol

Is there a zoom on this camera? - I need to get out my handy magnifying glass as I find the chicks are a bit too far away.  :-\ - The plus side is it must be great to see the parents take off & land.  ;D


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