Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

ON / Toronto - Apartment Block - 2008-14

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You should see them now eagle!  They're going to be falling off that ledge anyday now.  Today one of them got up on the ledge a few times and mom flew in to encourage him back down..I almost choked on my coffee!  Fledge watch starts in 6 days but I'm not sure the older one can wait that long.  Boys...always trouble  :D

Almost forgot to add; someone keeps moving the curtain where the camera is so you can see the pattern sometimes which is annoying as it's like looking through the fog.  And last night some noodle was using binoculors through the glass so all I could see was his reflection in the camera...pfft..humans  ::)

Wow what a difference in the two !!

Great viewing right now - in full screen - they have so much room to spread their wings and flap.  2 of them went dark very fast in contrast to one who is still mostly white.

Thanks for the tip Anti!  I had looked there when they first put up the link and I didn't click on that link as I figured they'd just post it on the CPF page.  Lots to catch up now!  Thanks again  :D

According to a link in the Article Library off of their main page, the male is from the Gulf Tower in Pittsburgh PA (one of ours!), and the female is thought to be from Ontario.


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