Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

ON / Toronto - Apartment Block - 2008-14

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All back in the bag and on their way back to the ledge.  The camera switched to the ledge shot where the fellow in the shorts is waiting for them. 

Phew..thanks Maggie for keeping me updated.  Hopefully they will get them up and back to mum ASAP. 

They are just finishing banding the third chick and back in the bag he goes.  That was all pretty quick.  Looks like they are going to have a brief photo opp. I hope very brief.

The banding process is underway and it looks like they are trying to be pretty quick about it.  One chick was put in what looked like a little bucket and weighed on a scale.  Can't see too much (banding crew in the way) but I think that the banding is going. A woman sprayed a little water on the 2 still in the bag.  I am sure that there will be pictures on the site later for the people who can't see this at work.  Trying to get chick number 2 out now and decided to ditch the big gloves. And here s/he comes.

The guy on the ledge just had to duck.  Angry mom.  The picture has gone out now while they switch over to the banding feed.


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