Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2014 / Beau & Beatrix

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The Peregrine Chick:
All four of the Bs are back in the nestbox for the night ... last one turned up at 2155h when there was just enough light to be able to tell they were all chicks!


--- Quote from: dupre501 on July 15, 2014, 22:29 ---
Two chicks on the wall, one giving me a heart attack             Another one, whew, he didn't go anywhere

--- End quote ---

Oh it’s scary when these kids get the flapping going, and just when it appears impossible to avert takeoff, amazingly - they’re still holding on!

The Peregrine Chick:
Three of the kids are at the nestbox at the moment - two eating (one in the box, other at bottom of ramp).  Belle is on the roof of the box and not begging for food so she had something earlier.  Not sure who the ramp eater is but it is one of the boys - think it might be Bishop but can't really see his band.  Bird eating in the box is Bristol by the size.

Dropped by for about an hour yesterday evening. Both adults at the building, no sighting of chicks (must have been napping).

Great photos dupre!   :)


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