Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2014 / Beau & Beatrix

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The Peregrine Chick:
Ah, it is Bristol and Belle - Belle is nipping at Bristol's toes now that she (Belle) has scarfed most of the pigeon!

Okay - all the kids are home ... Bishop is on the nestbox and Beaumont just snuck in to nibble on the remains ... and Bishop is off, let's see if he turns up with the gang ...

The Peregrine Chick:
Ahhh, there is an ex-white bird under those three teen-age peregrines.  Not sure if a gull or a pale coloured pigeon.  Beaumont for sure (he was very cooperative) ... oops, now a three-way tug-o-war over the remains of the meal ... other two chicks not showing me their colours ...

The Peregrine Chick:
Yup, it is Bristol and at the moment she is running down the wall yelling at her father who is perched at the corner ... wind gust and she got swept just out of camera view.  Can't find her but it looked like she was swept onto the roof, not off of the roof.  Scanning around the roof (can only see 1/2), I found Belle, not sure where she came from ... so have seen both the girls in the last few minutes ... holy cats, have a convention now ... Belle for sure and two others - Bristol I assume and one of the boys ... going to zoom in for band colours ...

The Peregrine Chick:
By no means positive but I think Belle has fledged ... Bristol was on the roof of the nestbox in the wind and suddenly a bird appeared and it almost seem as though they had hopped over from the camera mount (they like to sit on there) but a couple of minutes later, wings went out, bird went straight up (no flapping) and then came down and landed perfectly (like a Harrier jump jet) then it did it again.  Had a light coloured band so either Bishop or Belle but this bird looked to be about the same size as the bird on the roof who I'm pretty sure has red on its band though the light is a bit of a problem right now.  Could be Beaumont on the roof (blue on band) and Bishop but Beaumont has fledged and this bird just seems to be a bit too hesitant for a chick that has fledged and come back in the same day.  Hopefully chick will come a bit closer to the edge of the box and I'll get a better look at the colour - will confirm two fledges with one colour if they do!

The Peregrine Chick:
Went back and checked the recordings and our first fledge, if out first fledge was the one who returned to the nestbox at 1905h last night, was Bishop.  Figures, he was the first to get up on the ledge, then onto the wall, then onto the camera (Bristol was the first to the nestbox roof though) and he was the first to get some air flying from the nestbox roof to the building roof sometime in the last week. 

Still haven't figured out where Bristol goes, but she's been doing that since they figured out how to get in/out of the nestbox ...


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