Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2014 / Beau & Beatrix

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Red tape is Bristol I believe.

At least one of the chicks has been a bit sneaky as well, hiding behind the sign.

It has been a lot of fun watching these chicks over the past few day. They tend to hang out close together and often two or three birds can be spotted relatively close together. At one point 3 were flying and chasing each other, but I only captured two together in flight.

The Peregrine Chick:
Last night all the kids got together for a pre-bedtime confab but it only lasted about a half hour before they all took off again.  By the size, looked like Belle and Bristol were the ones who came back to the nestbox to spend the night - the boys were probably nearby on the roof just out of camera range.  All the birds - adults and chicks - seem to prefer to hang out on the building at night (good for us!)

The Peregrine Chick:
The Bs had an early start this morning - but all I believe have been back on and off, alone and with others a couple times up so far this morning.  They are looking very comfortable and confident these days.


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