Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2014 / Beau & Beatrix

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The Peregrine Chick:
Came across either two adults and a juvie or two juvies and an adult today.  Had my camera (wonder of wonders) with me so snapped off a few pics even though I knew the light sucked and I don't have 1/20th of Dennis' skill or his steady hands.  Will check them out anyway and see if I can tell who it might be.  It was still within the West Winnipeg territory, so I assume it was 3 of the Bs (B juniors and B seniors), but stranger things have happened.  Likely all I'll see on my photos is a peregrine shaped blob on the corner of what is presumably a building  ::)

Thanks for all of your wonderful photos Dupre! I almost always see one two or more birds at the diner when I pass by on my way to work around 8:00 - 8:30 in the morning. This morning one chick calmly surveying the situation from the letters on the south side. Earlier this week 2 (and maybe 3) having a game of chase around the building. Of course, viewed from my car I have no idea who is who, so it's great to read your reports and see your photos. I too will enjoy seeing them as long as I can.  :)

Thank you for sharing your photos and accounts of the activities. It sounds like the chicks are having fun and it is great to hear about them!  :) Too bad the Radisson family members aren't as accommodating as those in the near and far (Brandon) west.

The Peregrine Chick:

--- Quote from: dupre501 on August 07, 2014, 19:08 ---Today we found 2 chicks hanging out on the Diner, one on the south sign and one on the east sign.

We went looking to see if we could find any others. Just as we were giving up, we could hear the falcons calling. So we turned around and zeroed in on 3 birds flying and chasing each other. I took a few pictures, but there wasn't much to look at. I was able to identify that one of the three was an adult (due to the whiteness of the chest), probably Beau as the head was so dark. These birds circled to the north and we lost sight of them. We are not sure if these were the same birds that were on the Diner or not.

--- End quote ---

I was in the area at the same time and didn't manage to fare any better with my photos either Dupre  :)

Today we found 2 chicks hanging out on the Diner, one on the south sign and one on the east sign.

We went looking to see if we could find any others. Just as we were giving up, we could hear the falcons calling. So we turned around and zeroed in on 3 birds flying and chasing each other. I took a few pictures, but there wasn't much to look at. I was able to identify that one of the three was an adult (due to the whiteness of the chest), probably Beau as the head was so dark. These birds circled to the north and we lost sight of them. We are not sure if these were the same birds that were on the Diner or not.


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