Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines
West Winnipeg - 2014 / Beau & Beatrix
The Peregrine Chick:
We checked the nestbox on Friday and both Beau and Beatrix looking be doing a good job there - 4 eggs, nice clean nestsite and well-defended by both of them in a really nice choreographed routine. They rarely get disturbed at this site so they haven't had much opportunity to practice so yet another hint that these two could be a really good pair in the future if they manage to stick together in the future. I'm always interested in how the pairs do each year, both with each other and their chicks, but I'm particularly interested in this pair - they just seem so right together, almost more so than Beau and Jules did, more a partnership than a dictatorship ;D
We were checking out the site yesterday afternoon/evening (6 o'clock-ish). Spotted Beatrix on the south side of the Diner in the sun. She then took off so we decided to swing around to check out the east side of the Diner, but before we got very far she was back on the south side of the Diner. Watched her for a couple of minutes and off she went again. This time I was able to see that she went off to check the nest box. So we set off to check out the nest box, when we got to a good vantage point she was sitting on the wall looking out at us. Still getting sun, but keeping a close eye on the eggs as well.
The Peregrine Chick:
--- Quote from: dupre501 on May 16, 2014, 09:39 ---Hopefully this weekend with warmer weather we may see the birds more as the eggs bask in the warmth. Assuming the nestbox gets sun. Does the nestbox get sun?
--- End quote ---
It does get sun, but not all day - if you can remember 2010, the box has the same orientation. If the air is warm enough, they don't need to be in the sun, the warm air will be enough. The box is sheltered, so even if there is a breeze or wind, they won't be affected by that. The box is tucked down on the roof to protect them from the wind so we put a ledge along one side so the chicks when they want out of the box have two choices - the ramp onto the roof and on this ledge and from the ledge they can (if they want) hop up on the wall edge. Why am I mentioning this now? Because it seems that Beatrix likes to sit on this ledge and look out and over the edge of the roof whereas Beau and Jules have only ever sat on the wall facing in. Different strokes for different birdies. ;)
In the past several visits to the site, my husband and I have seen Beau once.
We figured that incubation must be in full swing with one bird on the eggs and the other away hunting and/or getting away from it all for a short time.
Hopefully this weekend with warmer weather we may see the birds more as the eggs bask in the warmth. Assuming the nestbox gets sun. Does the nestbox get sun?
The Peregrine Chick:
All is very quiet at this site so they are definitely in the incubation groove. Beau used to be impossible to spot after the first 10 days of incubation - haven't seen him in days - might just be my timing or it might be wonderful news. I'm hoping for both!
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