Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2014 / Beau & Beatrix

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Wonderful!!  :)

The Peregrine Chick:
First hatches (2) for Beatrix and Beau.  Chick one hatched overnight, chick two at 0430h this morning.

Mom's figuring out how to feed the little darlings - Beau just keeps bringing her the food.  She won't let him feed but he does get to hang around, which he hasn't been able to do with Jules since 2010.

So looking forward to the WW chicks.

The Peregrine Chick:
Unlike the nestbox at the Radisson where the afternoons are the warmest part of the day, the configuration of this box means that the by noon, most of the West Wpg nestbox will be shady and it is protected on 3 sides from the wind - which is good for the chicks because this is a very windy site.  Looks like Beatrix was on all night, Beau came in at 0615h and then she returned to sit on the wall beside him for an hour before she pushed him out again at 0738h just as the rising sun was starting to fill the nestbox.  It's 1055h now and where the eggs are is mostly out of the sun and she is standing over the eggs having a bit of a preen.  It's starting to cloudy over too, so not so much direct sunlight into the box.


--- Quote from: The Peregrine Chick on May 31, 2014, 10:55 ---1045h - Shift change, Beau is now incubating the eggs.  These two sure look like they have been doing for longer than 4 weeks! 

Will be interesting to see how they do once the eggs hatch - first time for her but he's much more involved this year with the day-to-day stuff than he has been in the past - Jules used to velcroed to the kids except in the dark of the night, Beau used to handle graveyard shift when she'd let him.  There appears to be a much more equitable division of labour this year - day and night!

--- End quote ---

Beatrix learned from her Mom, and Princess would be so proud of her.  :)


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