Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2014 / Beau & Beatrix

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that is exciting news to look forward to when you can confirm  :D

The Peregrine Chick:
I think, just think, that Beau and Beatrix have been purposefully screwing around with us ... in a good way ... not positive quite yet, but I'm pretty sure they have four chicks.  With the warmer weather and the chicks being larger and stronger, I'm pretty sure I saw 4 heads for a split second this morning.  Will have to check the recorder and then wait for tomorrow to check again - because of the positioning of the nestbox, the sun becomes a bit of a problem seeing into the nestbox later in the day.

soaring west:
I am with you Burdi
TPC , has thought in all the birds names. It is always a favorite time, the naming of the new birds.


--- Quote from: The Peregrine Chick on June 10, 2014, 16:07 ---
--- Quote from: gemcitygemini on June 10, 2014, 15:27 --- ??? TPC, my memories of Beatrix slipping down CTV smokestack remains, that is why I refer to her as "Smokestack". If, when the chicks are banded, I hope a male can be named "Smokie or Smoky". Just a thought.

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As interesting as Beatrix's adventure was, it wasn't the first time one of our peregrines has gone down a smokestack - not even the first time one has gone down that particular smokestack.  Fortunately that stack hasn't been much of a problem in recent years simply because there are so many other, higher buildings in the area now - at one time in the Project's history it was a pretty tall structure in that part of downtown Winnipeg.

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Regarding birds falling into smokestacks, this makes me shudder! I’m wondering why these buildings wouldn’t be required to have something installed over the top... such as a screen. Sad that some of our protected birds may have lost their lives this way.  :'(


--- Quote from: The Peregrine Chick on June 10, 2014, 16:07 ---
--- Quote from: gemcitygemini on June 10, 2014, 15:27 --- ??? TPC, my memories of Beatrix slipping down CTV smokestack remains, that is why I refer to her as "Smokestack". If, when the chicks are banded, I hope a male can be named "Smokie or Smoky". Just a thought.

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It's an interesting name for the files for sure but here is my question to you  :) ... would the name really be "his"?  Or just that "he'd" been named after something that happened to his mother who is turning out to be a really neat peregrine?  Or should we keep the name for a peregrine that perhaps suits it better?

--- End quote ---

Hmmm, you ask tough questions TPC!  Thought it was a good suggestion from gcg, but, guess we will have to wait and see. Perhaps one of the chicks might bring a well known name to mind, (possibly even Smokey the Bear!) Hahaha, you never know!
Anyhow TPC, I do recall you having quite a knack for meaningful names 8) I’m thinking we best leave the naming up to you!  :)


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